What Happened!?

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As you reached the bridge you saw a mess and alot of injured knights

"w-what happend here" you say in shook and fear

You try to ask around about what happend but the the people who viewed what happend were so scared from what happend you can barely understand its almost like they were going to cry

Finally one you meet a woman who wasn't terrified of what was happening

"the abyss attacked when we were unprepared and gave in everything they've got alot of people were involved amd injured or died it was terrible tsk"

"WHAT?!" you say in shook as you calm down and say

"do you know where the injured people are? Also can you please tell me who fought in the battle?"

"ah yes the prince of wine diluc who was given permission to fight, acting grand master jean, the librarian of the knights of headquarters lisa, and calavrly captain keaya."

"were there anybody else?"

"yes all of the strongest knights were there yet they still got injured how sad"

"WHAT?! do you know where i can see them?!" you say in a faster way than usual

"at the cathedrale is where you can see them"

You thanked the women and rushed to the cathedral

< at the cathedrale >

"BARBARA WHERE IS KEAYA AND THE REST" you say while out of breath you cared about keaya the most wich is weird since you said before to him that he'd be the last one you'd care about

"ah y/n I've been trying to contact you please i need you're help keaya refuses to stay put even if he's injured he keeps on saying i have to protect them" Barbara said in a concerned voice

"please tell me where he is"

You follow barabra and see keaya

"ill leave you two alone" barabra said before leaving

you aprouched him and he falled on your shoulder and hear him whisper in your ear


"y/n im so sorry i couldn't protect you i love you"

"k-keaya did you take something that makes you say things you dont mean" you said with a red face 

"y/n your so warm right now but  i didn't i mean it i love you" keaya said before he fell asleep on your shoulder

"keaya.. i love you too"

Sorry this chapter and story is sooo rushed i ran out of ideas :c
[407 words]

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