Your The Worst

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Credits: j_z_zZ ( dont know where found on pintrest)

Also before you continue please re read the first chapter to know about why y/n uses an arrow in this chapter and her outfit ( since i thought that it would be cooler if they used both a sword and arrow)

😃 Important (tw drunk sa) 😃 if you didnt read the nsfw part bassically keaya s0xua11y assualted y/n and thats why there mad at keaya
1 week past and you and keaya haven't talked much just at the meeting that was held but you didnt pay any attention to it it wasnt important anyways.

But that would end today

You saw a knight coming towards "miss y/n l/n acting grand master jean requested your presence" the knight said as he put his arm on his chest

You put your arm on your chest

"aleight ill be there"

At the knights head quarters

You knocked at acting grand master Jean's office

"come in" jean said with her usual smooth voice you were impressed at how she isn't breaking down from all the work she has to do you aspire to be like her someday.

You put your hand anto the nob of the door and opened it and went in.

You put your hand on your heart to show respect and say

"ive been told i have been requested"

"yes i need your help as fast as possible" jean said looking at some docemints on the table

"whats the matter?" you nervously said

i need you to go to stormterrors lair i heard that the abyss are plotting something there though because its dangerous for you to go alone you and keaya will go"

"keaya? Cant i go will klee or noelle or lisa?!"

"it's to dangerous for klee lisa is to busy to go and noelle isnt a knight keaya is the only one available"

You sighed

"I understand.."

You went to your house it was a mess

Nevertheless you ignored and packed your bow and sword you knew you were more skilled in bow so you got a few more arrows then what you usaully get.

your more skilled in bow since your mom teached you how to use a bow so when you used a sword for the first time it felt really weird once you were

ready you went to stormterrors lair to meet up with keaya

At stormterrors lair

You were finally at stormterrors lair you only went near it so the wind here was too strong for you and there wasnt any sunlight blocking your eyesight so you kinda liked the place

Then you got your mini map and headed to the location where acting grand master jean told you to meet up to head to the actual location

With keaya

"oh hey keaya"

"ah ! Why if it isnt my dearest y/n accompaning me" keaya said like nothing was wrong

You just glared at him then finally said

"come on this mission isnt ganna get itself done"

"as you wish but id prefer if we we-"

"come on lets get this over with"

You cut keaya off keaya seemed shocked
Near the tower in stormterrors lair

"ah i see them" you whispered you and keaya were crouched near a bush

"what's the plan cheif?" keaya asked

"well how about you fight with your sword and i shoot arrows from iver here"

"alright" keaya

keaya then summonded a sword from thin air (wtf)

While you picked up your arrow and aimed to the eneimies and while keaya attack them then you infused your arrows with pryo energy and

Bam! The enemies with down and you killed 2 hilichuirls and 1 samachuirl

Then 2 more down
And then came the final boss

"ajshsjsjj" the monster gibirilhly said

"What" you said but ingorned keaya took care of the sheild since it was pryo and then you took your bow,

You grabbed your arrow and yiu grabbed 3 more arrows and invested more pryo energy in it these arrows started to look like flowers that when you knew it was ready and

Bang! The abyss mage died

"haha we make a good team"

"it isnt over yet yk?""what are you plotting" you asked your tone sounding threatning
You were furious for no reason your arms and eyes were glowing with pryo energy (honestly you looked hot doing it)

"never!" the abyss mage said

"alright then ill just need to burn you then" you burned the abyss mage abit

"i-ill tell you all i know just stop burning me!" the abyss mage begged

The abyss mage told you and keaya everything so you let the abyss mage go and you decided to heackback and report to actong grand master jean

"listen y/n jm not sure what i did but im sorry" keaya said

"if you wanna know you have yo talk to lisa i dont wanna talk about it "


Anyyywayss did i spend half to 1 hour on this chapter for you guys while listening to a playlist called uh? Yes yes i did. (*'∨'*)
Also this is the longest chapter i ever did my hands feel so sour 😭

Anyways here's happy xiao (dont know the artist edited by myself 😋🤞)

thank you so much for everything becuase i didnt have motivation to writeHave a nice day everyone until next time bye bye!

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thank you so much for everything becuase i didnt have motivation to write
Have a nice day everyone until next time bye bye!

[940 words]

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