Chapter 1

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If you want to you can just skip this but I wanted to say some things before I begin with the story.

English is not my native language and other than in school I haven't had the opportunity to improve my English yet. So I will do a lot of mistakes, but you can always criticize my writing. If you see any spelling mistakes or something like that, just comment and I'll try to fix it. But remember to stay nice<3

There aren't any books to the Young Royals Show so I'm only imagining what it could be like. Some scenes might be a bit different from the show because It's not working out well when I'm writing it down. If you have an idea for the story just text me or comment!



(I'll add a TW before each chapter that includes it)

Wilhelm's point of view:

The lights blur before my eyes and I almost stumble. People dance around me to the loud music. It's too loud, I have to get out of here.

Desperately I look for the exit and accidentally bump into a tall, black-haired boy. He has multiple piercings and a stain from his spilled drink is spreading on his shirt. He snaps angrily at me. "You idiot! Look what you've done!"

I stagger back and just want to get out of here, but the boy holds me tight and hits me in the face. He's drunk just like me. People around me pull out their cell phones and I can see the excitement in their eyes while waiting for my reaction. To provoke me even more, he pushes me and I stumble into a few people.

A circle has formed around us, into which I am now being pushed again. "Come on! Show him!" A girl on my right calls. I look around confused. Everyone cheers and claps and there is no escape. Then the boy takes a step closer to me and takes off again. This time I'm prepared better than the last time and so I dodge downwards and avoid his fist.
The crowd cheers.

Immediately my arm snaps forward and punches him in the stomach. He yelps in pain, but hits me again. This time I get hit and I fall to the ground. In desperation I try to kick him with my legs, and his face is contorted in pain. But apparently that only made the boy angrier and he comes up to me again.
That's it now, I thought to myself.
Then the boy strucks out and I pass out.


"You know your behavior will have consequences, right?" Ashamed, I looked at the floor and slowly nodded. "Such situations are not good for our family and certainly not for the crown. Do you understand that?" I nodded again, but I didn't dare looked at my mother. "Wilhelm!" My father shouted angrily, "please answer your mother!" I looked shyly at him and then at my mother. "I know I made a mistake, but it was an accident! I didn't mean to!"

My father snorted in annoyance and my mother put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We know that Wilhelm. But the millions of people who saw the video don't know that. You aren't the Crown Prince, like Erik, and I'm honestly glad about that but the people are and will always watch you and your life. And you know it yourself, your life needs to change. It cannot go on like this."

My mother looked at father as if she needed confirmation from him, while she was the Queen of Sweden and could do pretty much anything and order what she wanted. My father nodded and she continued. "That's why we decided that from now on you will go to the Hillerska private school. My father went to the Hillerska and so did many other generations before us. Originally it was planned that you would go to this school earlier, but you always wanted to go to a normal school."

The name Hillerska sounded familiar to me and many rich young people went to this school, but that was precisely why I didn't want to go there. "Please not mom. I don't want to go to Hillerska! I can really live without all these rich snobs."

Dad looked at my mother like he was saying, I told you that he didn't want to. He turned back to me and then said firmly: "There is nothing more to discuss. You go to Hillerska and there is nothing you can do about that." My mother tried to convince me even too father has made clear that staying at my old school wasn't an option. "I am quite sure that you will like it. Your great cousin August is also at the school and a few friends from your childhood too. It will definitely be nice to be with like-minded people."

They couldn't be serious? I had never really got on well with August and I couldn't even remember my old friends. Angrily, I passed my parents and slammed the door. "You are crazy!"

There were two guards in front of the door that seemed to have listened to the whole conversation and now they pretended to didn't notice me. I was so angry that I could have shouted at them but I knew that kind of behaviour was exactly what my parents were talking about. So I just ran to my room and dropped on my bed.

I knew I shouldn't look at the comments that were written about me but I couldn't stop myself, so I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and opened Instagram. Immediately comments like "Is that really the prince?" and "That family is leading our land?" popped up. Some people found it funny but most seemed to be disappointed in me. That's enough, I said to myself and turned off my phone.

Exhausted I laid on my bed until a knock interrupted me. "Prince Wilhelm?" I scoffed and sat myself up. "Yeah what's going on?", I said, actually meaning, leave me the fuck alone. "Your parents ordered me to tell you that they'll have conference with the press in an hour and they want you to do a statement."
That was the last thing I wanted to do now but I guess I didn't have a choice.

Reluctantly I got up and ran my hands through my hair. I straightened my shirt and opened the door.

"Thirty seconds until we're live!", the director announced.
"I don't want to do this mum." Erik, my brother and the crown Prince of Sweden, looked at me apologetically but didn't say anything. "Stop complaining Wilhelm! You are part of the royal family and you have responsibilities. We can't protect you in those situations so we have to prevent them." It was pointless to try and convince them to let me stay on my school, the decision was already made.

"Three, Two, One, we're Live!"
One last look at Erik who nodded slightly signalling me to start with my prepared speech. I knew it wouldn't sound very honestly but I didn't care. I just had to go through with it. I cleared my throat, fixed my hair and then I started with my apology.

"I would like to start saying that no one is more disappointed in me than my family, and especially me.
This past year has been difficult for me. Since my conformation last summer I have been given a more official role as prince. This has come with added pressure that has resulted in me acting irresponsibly. And I apologise for this and I can assure you it will never happen again.
I would also like to announce that me and my parents decided that I'll immediately transfer to the Hillerska Boarding School. I will continue my education there."

I sank back into my chair, glad that it was over. The red light that tells you if you're live stops blinking and I relax a little bit more. "Good work, brother.", Erik said to cheer me up. I nodded, still angry, and then went straight back to my room without even talking to anyone around.

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