Chapter 4

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Simons point of view:

I closed my locker after a long day of school. The arrival of Prince Wilhelm stressed everyone out and I was nervous singing infront of such a big audience. The fact that Vincent made a joke about me while everyone was watching, wasn't really making the day any better.

Just as everyday after school, I walked the tree-lined street down to the barn where I would pick up my sister. Most students live at the school but I'm a non-res because my mom doesn't have enough money for a room. It's honestly great to not live here because I can't stand all the rich snobs. I know that they don't like me, so I gave up trying to make friends after the first day of school. I should have known that going to a private school for rich people means having no friends, but I still didn't imagine it to be that bad. At least the teachers are good and I can finally sing in the choir.

As I was walking down the street I thought I heard something behind me. No one was walking here normally and my sister Sara was still at the barn so it couldn't be her. Now I clearly heard fast footsteps behind me approaching me. "Hey! Wait for me."
Surprisingly I knew the voice but it wasn't someone who I expected. August.

He was one of the third graders and never bothered to talk to me. He didn't even knew my name so he probably wanted something from me because in church he complimented my voice which was something he would never do, expect August needs me to do something for him.

"Hey socialist boy!" I glanced at him in annoyance. "My name's Simon."
I was right, August didn't know my name and looked at me confused.
"Hi Simon. Nice to meet you.", he said with a fake smile.
"You know that we have met before? But you never talk to me, so what do you want?"
"I just wanted to say hello."
He couldn't be serious. I laughed because he was trying so hard to be nice.
"Come on August. We aren't friends and we will never be so what do you want from me?"

"Well...Do you know someone who sells alcohol? You must have some contacts right? We want to throw a big initiation party for Wilhelm but my dealer is currently not available."
As always, I was right. August wanted alcohol, for a party or something like that.
"Do you think I'm a dealer and why should I even buy you alcohol?"
"Don't you know someone that would sell alcohol to you? I will pay you back and I can get you an invitation to the party."

Normally first graders aren't allowed at partys and especially not me. Not someone who doesn't have rich parents with a big business. But I didn't want to get in trouble, not in my first year at Hillerska. I knew how hard my mum worked to get me and Sara on such a exclusive school and I couldn't risk it.
"Is that a yes?", August interrupted my silent discussion.
"I have to think about it."
August wasn't someone nice so I just turned around on my heel and walked away fast without saying goodbye.


"Relax girls! Sit straight!"
Felice's horse neighed and the trainer looked in her direction with a disappointed glare.
"You're making him nervous Felice!"
But she got even more nervous and the trainer scoffed. "That's enough. Get off the poor horse and let Sara help you."

Until now the girl called Sara sat on the side of the riding area but now she went to go and calm the other girl's horse down. Sara directly went to the horses head and petted him, trying to get him relaxed. Felice looked at her a bit jealous and then walked off.
"Hey it's okay. Everything is fine.", Sara whispered in the ear of the giant animal. Immediately the horse got more quiet and stopped stepping around nervously, so she could ride out of the hall effortlessly.


As Sara groomed the horse, happy to spend some time at the barns, Felice walked in, angry at herself and the fact that she couldn't even control animals.
"I can groom my own horse alright?", she hissed at the innocent girl who was just trying to help her.

"It's okay. I love doing it and spending time with the horses."
It seemed like Felice didn't care and so she roughly grabbed the brush out of Sara's hand and began to groom her horse.
"Should I pick out the hooves or do you want to do that too?", she asked quietly.
"After five minutes in the riding hall they're probably really dirty."
Sara started picking the hooves a few seconds after and Felice looked at her confused.
"That was sarcasm. I said no."

She stopped and let out a quiet sorry before turning around just to see Simon standing in the hallway.
"Sara.", he said to catch her attention.
"I'm almost ready here."
"No, you can go now.", Felice said harsh.
The other girl grabbed her back, ready to leave but before she left the barn, she turned around.
"Do you want me to ride him before or after school?"
"Just go please.", she said not answering properly.

Simon looked at her weird, before laying a hand on Sara's shoulder and leading her outside. As the siblings walked out, Felice leaned her head against the horse, hating herself for what she just said and did.


"She can't talk to you like that.", Simon said angry. The girl knew he was right, but Felice was the only person on this school who ever talked to her, even if she was being mean.
"It's alright. She just had a bad day and she isn't always that mean."
"But she shouldn't treat you like that. You deserve better Sara."
"I'm fine and I can ride her horse before or after school. That's better than I could have ever imagined."
"I just don't want you to be treated badly again."
"It's not like at Marieberg. I like it here and no one picks on me." She actually thought that it was a lot better than her old school, no one bullies or insults her here. Yet, she doesn't have friends but Sara is used to that and it's fine.
"Mom worked hard for us to have the opportunity to go to Hillerska and I can't drop out just because I'm scared of school."

Behind a few trees the siblings  saw the bus, ready to start. Simon took his sisters hand and they both ran as fast as they could to still catch it. As they entered the bus and sat down on their seats, Simon picked up the conversation again.
"Just tell me if something is wrong. You know that I always be there for you."
"It's fine Simon! I'm used to not having friends and if you don't like the school, you can drop out, but I'm staying."
Simon glanced at Sara with a sad glare but then turned around to look out of the window.

They didn't continue to speak, either because the girl was angry at him or they just didn't have a topic to talk about.
Almost the whole bus ride they sat in silence until Ayub and Rosh tried to catch Simon's attention. They were Simon's best friends for almost his whole life, but since the siblings changed schools they didn't meet as often as before.

"Hey Simme! What's up?"
They made their way through the other students to the end of the bus where both of them sat.
"Do you have to wear this stupid uniform everyday?", Ayub said while laughing at their outfits.
"No, it's just because of Prince Wilhelm.", Simon scoffed.
"Oh, Prince Wilhelm. Your majesty!" She bowed exaggerated and everyome burst out in laughter.
"Is he really that much of a loser?"
"I don't know, we only saw him today in the church."
Sara's opinion on Wilhelm wasn't clear either because he seemed nice but she hasn't talked to him yet. He could be a complete asshole!

"Have you guys seen the video of the fight?", Rosh said excited while pulling out her phone.
Simon and Sara looked at eachother and then denied the question.

The girl scrolled through Instagram until she found the video. It showed Prince Wilhelm fighting with an older guy who looked quite terrifying. At the end Wilhelm got knocked out but for a Prince he was stronger than Sara thought.

She'd really want to know how he is in private life but being friends with him was almost impossible.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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