We Are Friends Forever? (END)

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Indo and Neth POV:

What is wrong with our parents? Why they don't allow us to meet eachother? I don't understand..


Indo's POV:

I'm still mad because what my father said. I don't want to come out for dinner tonight..

. . . .

Nesia opened the door, quietly

Nesia: "Hey, you okay?"

Indo: "I still don't get it why dad don't allow me to meet Neth again.."

Nesia: "Maybe its just family problems, or maybe he is in a bad mood.."

Indo: "..."

Nesia: "Cmon bro, lets have dinner together"

Indo: "Ok.." // He sighed //


Neth's Home


VOC: "..Neth?"

Neth: // He growled at VOC //

VOC: "Neth.. Look, maybe father isn't in a mood today. He is sometimes get easily angry, right?"

Neth: "Yea.. but, what did I did? I'm just being friends with Indo"

VOC: "I don't know too. But you can try talking to father, if you want"

Neth: "..Ok."


After it, we never meet eachother again.. But, we still remember about eachother..


End of Season 1

"We Are Friends Forever, Right?" [END OF SEASON 1]Where stories live. Discover now