New Kid in School

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NA: This is kinda a long chapter and probably most of the chapters will be. You should be able to quickly find the places that are best to take breaks though.

**violence will be described**
**slurs referring to sexualities will also be used**

Frank POV:


My eyes slowly open to the sound of my alarm going off... Why does it have to be so loud??? I fumbled around on the nightstand next to my bed and finally switched it off. I really don't wanna go to school today, damn it. The only nice part is when I get the occasional walk to school without getting beat the shit out of.

Slowly I swung my legs over the side of the bed looking at the alarm clock. OH FUCK!!! I apparently was a frickin' idiot again and set the alarm for 6 AM... Could have slept another hour and a half. Why the hell is the world so cruel? Too late to change it now so I might as well get ready. I walked over to my closet in the corner by the door to my dark hole of a room. Probably wouldn't be a terrible idea to switch on the lights but I don't feel like it. I like the dark. It's peaceful.

I fumbled through the closet looking for a shirt. I pulled it out. Nice, at least it's a Misfits tee... I know that no one will see it under my school uniform, but I like to wear it for after school. Catholic school isn't exactly friendly with kids hanging around the campus to change, so it's just easier to unbutton the white dress shirt I have to wear. I quickly put on the shirt and put on the khakis and white polo with a blue and yellow striped tie. It's not even a nice yellow. It looks like piss, damn school colors.

I walked over to the bathroom attached to my bedroom. Looking in the mirror I adjusted the tie. At least I know how to tie it, there's some people that have their moms tie it for them at school. I put in my lip ring and nose ring, then my black studded earrings. I quickly grabbed a comb to do my hair. It was a mess, as usual. Then I got my eye liner and did a thin line around my eyes and lightly smudged it. This was as good as it gets.

I grabbed my back pack, skateboard, and Walkman with my favorite Misfits cassette tape. It's just a mix of some of their songs that I like.

"Frank, are you up?" My mom was yelling, I could tell she heard me. It's probably about 6:20 AM at this point. I roll my eyes. Usually she's gone by the time I get up in the morning so she's probably confused by my presence.

"Yeah, Mom. I am," I yelled back to her, but I can tell that I got quieter once I got to the 'I am' part. A-typical of me considering I'm pissed off and irritated that she's bothering me right now.

"Why don't you come down and have a bowl of cereal?"

"Alright." I know she's just trying to talk to me, but I can't help but feel anxious around her. It isn't easy to talk to your parents when you're scared they'll find out you're a bisexual living in a very, very catholic household. I swear that my mom has more pictures of Sister Mary than of me in their whole house. I can't say I blame them, I'm kinda a disappointment to them probably. Piercings, eye liner, punk music, what can I say?

I walk down the stairs from my room into the kitchen. My mom's leaning over a toaster gently pulling out two slightly burnt pieces of toast. She looks over at me. "Hi, honey," she says with a smile on her face.

"Hi." I manage to get out a small half grin for her, I can tell it doesn't look genuine though. She hands me a piece of toast. "Thanks." Just because I'm questionably agnostic doesn't mean I can't have manners.

I quickly eat the toast. I glance down at my wrist remembering I'm being stupid for doing that. I don't even own a watch. If I could face palm myself right now without my mom questioning it, I would. Instead I pull out my phone to find it's almost 7 AM. There's not much of a point in getting to school early since I don't really have any friends, but I could go to the skate park for a little while. "I'm gonna go to the skate park and then school Mom, see ya."

"Hold it right there Frank Anthony Iero." Oh shit, she said my middle name. "I want you to call me when you get to the skate park and leave the skate park. If you don't I'm going there myself the exact way you came to check on you. I don't want to find out you got in a fight with some kid again." Like I said, disappointment to my parents.

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