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"Hannie, remember the audition that I was talking about?" Cheol said excitedly.

"What about it? Hmm..." Though I know that he made it, I want him to tell it to me.

"I did pass, and I will be trained before I become an artist!" I knew it. I knew that he would make it.

"Congratulations Cheol! I told you, you can do it!" I hugged him, tight. Really tight...

Because I know that this would be one of the last times that I could hug him like this. I will not see him for years or, I don't know...

You are overthinking, Han.

"Babe?" Cheol called me softly, bringing me back to my senses.

"Sorry, I was just really happy for you." I really am. But thinking everything that could happen, I don't think I can be fully happy.

"Let's go on a date. We need to celebrate." Yes, we should. Let's spend the remaining time together, before you start your trainee period.

I nod my head as a response and excuse myself with the reason that I need to go to the cr. I really need too, because I feel like crying. As I enter a cubicle, I let myself cry.

What ifs are what is running in my mind while I'm pouring all my emotion out.

What if... he forgets about me?

What if... his love for me fades?

What if... we can't? We can't endure long-distance relationship and broke up? What if?

I look at the mirror and saw myself. With swollen eyes and red nose. With the tears that falls nonstop. I wash my face so that it wouldn't be obvious.

"You are just paranoid, Jeonghan. Seungcheol love you so much. Hold onto it. That is what matters, okay?" I reminded myself, keeping a positive feel for me not to overthink.

Deep Breathes.

We can... make it, right?

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