Together, Once Again

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"Sensei... would he come today, I wonder...?" Sistine, the heir of the Fibel family, wondered aloud as she gazed at the Melgalius Sky Castle that was visible from the window she was watching at.

Her thoughts were rewinded back to a few days ago, after the end of the fight against Jatice, Glenn collapsed due to fatigue, his wounds and mana exhaustion like she did a while before he did.

Celica did tell them that his condition went better and that he should be healthy enough to come back and teach them again... but it looks like that he won't do so today. She started to miss the quality of their lessons, not that the replacement teacher was not skilled enough, just that all of them wanted to hear Glenn's classes again.

"Fufu!" Near the platinum-haired girl was her golden-haired childhood friend and adopted sister, Rumia Tingel―or more precisely, the former princess of the Alzano Empire but it was kept secret from their classmates and only a few rare persons knew of that fact. If Sistine was a grumpy kitten, then Rumia could be considered as a kind puppy.

"What is it, Rumia?" Sistine was curious about Rumia's sudden giggle, recently, even the usually joyful Rumia was slightly depressed since she didn't meet with Glenn, whom she always favored since their first meeting, for quite a while.

Rumia then turned her kind gaze to her best friend, "It's just―I was remembering the past; before, Sisti always hated Sensei, right? But now you are getting along so well." Rumia was happy that her two favorite persons are getting along better than their first meeting.

Upon hearing her words, Sistine's face lights up red and steam was blowing off from her head, "Wha―No! Th–this is wrong! Me and Sensei aren't at all―"

"Yes, yes~ But Sisti is sure not honest, isn't she~?"

"What's with you! Geez!"

Recently Rumia liked to tease about her and Glenn more and more often. True to her words, during their first meeting, Glenn and Sistine didn't get along well at all. It was the contrary for Rumia who got along with him rather quickly due to the two's compatible personalities.

But after many confrontations against each other, the two came to an understanding and after many battles lived through together, the two gained a trusting relationship for each other's magical capacities. Though there is no need to say that he is still spoiling Rumia far more than her... not that she minds particularly this favoritism or anything!

Then a short blue-haired girl with her long messy hair tied into a ponytail walked to them while munching a strawberry tart, the recent transfer student and Rumia's bodyguard, Riel Rayford.

"Glenn didn't come for days... though Celica said that he was alright... I'm worried." The girl was emotionless most of the time and didn't talk much usually but her shared past with Glenn showed how much she cared for him. During the day of her transfer, she indirectly created a huge ruckus and misunderstanding while trying to define her exact relationship with him.

"That's right... it isn't the same without him."

Now all the school (some people excluded) were now used to Glenn's presence around them, though they hated his arrogant attitude, they must say that it felt quite empty without that accompanied with his extraordinary and understandable lessons.

'What if he won't ever come back to teach us?' Sistine couldn't help but not deny the flinck of worry that had awakened inside of her mind.

All the others felt the same here, what if the teacher who guided them up until now wouldn't ever come back? What if his injuries were so grave that it may handicaped him forever? What if they never got to see him once again?

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