~Hugo's POV~

"Hugo... Hugo?"  She screamed.

Released from Alice's soft plump lips was the shrieking of my name.

Over and over.

The eternal repeating of the pure voice in my head echoed.

As her voice begins to fade and her cries dissipate to whimpers, the image of her face was clouded by the darkness. The darkness, which I didn't realise was there until the light had gone, swallowed me whole.

The light she brought was gone. And I'm left alone again.

I bolt up straight from my bed. Sweat coating my flaming skin. My eyes are blurred and begin to focus as I reconnect myself back to reality. The one I wish I didn't have to wake up to again.

I blink a couple of times to let my eyes adjust to the bright light which filters through my sheer curtains.

My eyes rest down at my hands, I close my eyes and imagine what her soft touch would have been like. To have her hand placed in mine. To feel the warmth radiated from her skin. I open my eyes and look up, expecting to see her beautiful face beaming up at my outstretched hand again.

However, like she said "This isn't real"

I already miss those hazel eyes, her hazel eyes which radiate comfort.

Memories of the hazel pigment reminded me of last autumn, as the once luscious green leaves turn orange and brown, drained of all their colour and life. This shade of hazel I saw in her eyes as she cried my name. Showing a glimpse of weakness like a crack in her built up exterior.

But the pool of honey which surrounded her pupils, also compliment the ambers of a fire, one which is newly lit and small but equally as dangerous as a large and vicious one. The flame in her eyes ignited something in me when our eyes first met.

Some fire which I hope stays lit and isn't put out.

God! Why do I miss someone's presence only after interacting with her a couple of times? Especially when I'm not sure she is even real

Is she real?

As the many questions rattle my brain, I seek a distraction. I glance past the end of my bed, as I sit with the covers sprawled out over my half-naked body, into the horizon. To where the skyscrapers meet the orange glow of the sun.

The sun rises and illuminates the sky as the darkness and blue sky slips away. The sky has always fascinated me, how each night the sky is wiped clean ready for the next day. I wish my problems could be over and just simply be wiped away like a fresh start.

I lower myself onto the soft carpet lining my bedroom floor, and I shuffle my feet towards the large windows which outlooked onto the sleeping city. A low hum of cars and few peoples voices can be heard from below.

As I tower over the many lives down on the pavements and roads, I realise how similar I am to those small people down there. However, I'm up here trapped with no freedom as my chosen life path is already set before me, compared to those who walk on their own paths to their own desired destinations.

I slide the furthest pane of glass, as it was a door that led onto my open balcony, I step out into the brisk cold air. My arm hairs rise as the sudden change of temperature is detected and little goosebumps appear across my skin.

A shiver runs down my spine as I step closer to the edge of the railing and lean my body against it with my hands gripped tightly around the bars.

I've never been scared of heights, and I'm not afraid of death. But all of a sudden I'm wary of falling, falling and there's no one to catch me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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