Deadline Part 4

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Taehyung passes through the mirror effortlessly and plants his feet on a hard floor. His formally clenched eyes ached as they reopened and he stiffens at the sudden change in surroundings.

It was dark but he could tell that he was standing in someone's bedroom, the silhouettes of a bed and dresser beside him being an indication. He crinkles his brow as he squinted into the darkness. The room wasn't very spacious, reminding him of his own room back at the dorms. Aside from the bed and dresser, no other furniture or eye-catching decor was adorning the bare walls. Only shadows were cast by the moonlight shining through the window on the furthest side of the room.

"..better than a desert I guess.." he mumbles to himself as he concluded his brief scan of the room.

He then glances over his shoulder at the wall behind him, finding a tall mirror similar to the one he'd phased through in the desert with an antique design.

His reflection reacts to his movement as he leaned over to study and inspect the glass for any glimmering ripples or enchantments like he'd seen minutes before. But he sees nothing but his darkened reflection and realizes it to be just a normal mirror.

"hmm.." he exhales thoughtfully. Just then his ears twitch at the sound of footsteps and he turns his back to the mirror immediately. He freezes when a light switch is flipped from across the room in an adjoined bathroom and out walks a woman wearing only a towel. Taehyung inhales sharply when she flips another switch on the wall and the small bedroom is lit from corner to corner, exposing the pale young man in his neon hoodie, peculiar marked skin, and bloody bandaged hands.

He awaited the expected scream of terror and surprise at his presence, remaining as still as possible as not startle her. But she acts oblivious as she moved about her quarters, toweling her dripping shoulder-length ebony hair and humming distractedly.

Taehyung furrows his brow in confusion as she remained completely unaware of him and his lips part slightly in a gasp when she takes a few steps in his direction.

His spine goes stiff and he closes his hands into anxious fists as the woman grew nearer to him. The scent of her freshly cleaned skin fills his senses and tilts his head back slightly as she gazed at what seemed to be him. They make eye contact briefly, the young woman's expression blank and unaffected as her brown irises shifted back and forth as if she were reading him.

That was when Taehyungs expression softened and his closed fists relaxed the longer they stared at each other.

She was young, most likely in her early to mid-twenties with smooth olive skin and wide almond-shaped eyes that were painfully familiar to him.

She tilts her head and Taehyung mindlessly mimics her, studying her features with interest as he tried to place her face.

Her complexion.

The color of her eyes.

The way her ears stuck out beneath her mass of thick hair that had a healthy wave to it.

The roundness of her face and placement of her cheekbones, The beauty mark that rested just at the tip of her beautifully shaped nose.

Just like his.

"H...Halmi?" Taehyung blurts out without thinking and his eyes flutter as the young woman leans closer to him, lifting her hand slowly as if she were going to touch him.

But she never does and opts to run a finger over her forehead to move a few stray strands of hair from her face. Then she lowers her gaze to Taehyungs throat and runs the same finger over the slight bags beneath her eyes, stretching the skin out a bit with a disappointing sigh.

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