Chapter 1

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Character list:
















Author's note
Nya and Ryan are from my other divergent book. Nya is Marlene's sister and Ryan is Nya's boyfriend.

Tris' POV

Well I am first. I guess that is good. We decided to have a little party tomorrow for our ranking at Zeke's. We will be just Tobias, Zeke, Christina, Will, Shauna, Marlene, Uriah, Lynn, Al and I. On the next morning Christina woke me.

"Come on we have to get you ready!" Christina shouted.

"But it's still morning." I was really sleepy but she couldn't care less.

We went shopping for 5 HOURS! It was a torture. Anyway we bought some make-up and new clothes for me and her. She putted on me mascara, eyeliner, lipstick and the same on her. I was dressed in leggings, blouse and a jacket. She wore jeans, a top and a jacket. My hair was in a ponytail and hers was loose. Then we went to Zeke's apartment. He opened.

"Hey girls. Woohoo guys more people!" Then Shauna, Tobias and Will came. Will and Tobias were with their jaws open. Shauna smirked and closed them. We walked into the living room. Uriah and Lynn were talking and Al was playing with something.

"Ok are we ready to play or what?" Christina screamed.

"Mar's not here." Uriah said. Just as he said this the bell rang and Shauna went to open it. A few seconds later Marlene, Nya and Ryan came in. Marlene was wearing a crop top and shorts. Her hair was curled and she haid a few braids. She wasn't wearing a lot of make-up. Her sister was also wearing a crap top and a skirt. She had a jacket. Her blonde hair was twisted in a fishtail braid and she was wearing only an eyeliner.

"Why you girls don't wear more clothes?" Zeke asked. Nya gave her boyfriend a death glare.

"Let's just say we started with the dares earlier." Nya answered. Ryan was now smirking.

"Ok if you are ready-" Zeke started but was interrupted.

"Let's make it more interesting. Girls have to sit in boys' lap." We all agreed. Unfortunately we couldn't sit with boyfriend or girlfriend because not everyone had one. Boys played rock,paper,scissors. I had to sit in Al's lap. Lynn had to sit in Zeke's. Her sister Shauna gave her a death glare.  Nya was in Uriah, Shauna in Will. Christina in Ryan and Marlene in Tobias. When girls sat in boys' lap we started the game.

"My house. My party. My game. I start." Zeke says. "My victim should be....Ryan. Candor or Dauntless?"

"Dauntless." Ryan says and looks at Nya. She whispers something in Zeke's ear. Then they both start laughing.

"Ryan, go to the chasm and start screaming 'I'm a fluffy unicorn. I just lost my unicorn. Help me find it.'"We all burst out laughing.

"No problem." He gets up and Nya and I go with him.

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