Butterflies 🦋'•

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You enter U.A halls savoring the iconic moment. You look around to see any "cute boys", mostly looking for bakubro. While looking you get approached by a purple blob on the ground. You look down and see a grape like little boy. You bend down exposing a bit of  the skirt you had on. "Are you lost little one, do you need help finding your mama?" He looks in between your skirt and his nose starts to bleed. "Oh no.." you look around for help and see everyone staring at you.   He cries out , " my only weakness! Lace underwear!!" You scoff and slap him. "Oh no I slapped a Pervy kid". The ash blonde comes from out the crowd and kicks him into one of the lockers. He screams, " I'm Minetta!!" Before planting into a locker head first. "Mineta?.."  The ash blonde helps you up getting a quick glance  at the underwear mineta mentioned earlier. He pants suddenly feels to tight for him. You hug him "Thankyou so much, but you shouldn't hurt little kids!" Everyone dispersed for class and it was just you and him there. He looks down at you and grabs your waste. " That's a perverted fellow class mate not a little kid". You realize something poking you a bit. "Oh thank you anyways.. and your phone is very pointy!" You reach down to pull his phone out his pocket. You feel something hard. Assuming it was the phone you reach down and grab it. You look up at him confused at why he is making that pleasured facial expression. He moans and bites his lip. " be gentle teddy that's not my phone your holding.." you look down and see a hug bulge in his pants and back up. "I'm so sorry!" Your face gets red shocked on how hugs he is. He quickly reaches out and grabs you by your neck. You bite your lip and look at him, "you have to finish what you started". You begin to reach down, then you hear footsteps, you see Almight and bow down to greet him as bakubro stands there pissed. "Hello sir we were just getting to class". He gives a thumbs up and smile👍🏽. "Let me know if you see a green haired young man on your way, I need a word with him". "Yes of course sir" you say and bow to leave. You talk angry blondes hand and walk off in the direction of class. While walking he keeps rubbing his pants. You look up at him, "are you okay?". He looks at you even angrier then before. "NO IM NOT OKAY. HE INTERRUPTED ME A SAD EXCUSE FOR A HERO". You smack the top of his head like your mom does to your dad when he's in trouble. "Show some respect I'll take care of you later!" He pouts and then a smirk appears on his face. "Really?". You laugh at how excited he is, "yes really!" He grabs your waist and dips into the janitor closet. "Why not now?".  He rubs your lower back and kisses your neck. You moan a little, "bak-bakubro you have to stop we need to head to class!" He starts to rub your ass and sucks your neck. Then looks at you, "Bakubro" he laughs. "Call me Katsuki". You blush" okay Katsuki.." "I'm y/n not to formally meet you.." you look down and rub him. "And your friend..". He looks at you shocked. "Are you sure?" You think about the question, you always wanted to pleasure someone. Especially after all the things you've read online. You hyped yourself up. "Yes I'm sure". You smirk and bend down. "We have 5 minutes until class.." Katsuki says shyly, you pull out his member and kiss the tip. You never seen one in real life. "How could it be this big?" You question comparing it to your arm. You began to stroke it. "Ahh.. princess you drive me crazy" he groans. You spit on it and suck the tip. Swirling around it like a lollipop. He looks down at you lustfully and grabs your head. He forced all of it in your mouth and begins to thrust it in & out your mouth. Spit coming out your mouth and a tear running down your face. How could this be happening on your first day? He finishes in your mouth and you spit it out, and look up at him. You must look a mess you thought. He picks you up and holds you. You wrap your legs around as he goes in for a deep kiss. You feel something rubbing your underwear and moan. He looks at you asking to enter with his eye. You shake your head no and rub your 😻 on his member. He groans and puts you down. "Stop it." You look up at him with a smirk, while go on your tip toes and kiss him. "Five minutes are up" you run out the janitors closet and to class.
Time skip:
Class was really boring you sat next to Katsuki and frequently teased him. You found out Mr.Aizawa was your homeroom teacher and found some new friends. "Y/n wanna meet at my place for dinner?" Mina ask with her pretty pink hair Infront of you. "She has plans maybe another time extra."  Katsuki says. "Bakugo your no fun" she says as she rubs his leg. He growls at her as she bites her lip. You look at the both of them and get up and leave. "How could I be so dumb you say as you walk out the building" hitting yourself you again bump into someone. He turn and looks at you worried, "are  you okay" he says. It's the red head, Katsuki's best friend. You apologize and curse yourself out once more. "Hey don't beat yourself up about it, I'm Kirishima" you look up at him. " I'm y/n but you can call me n/n" you say while fixing your hair a bit. "Can I have your numb-" you here a loud commotion coming from behind you. You turn and see bakugo running towards you pushing people out the way. "Teddy bear where did you head off so quickly"? You turn to face kiri. "I'm sorry what where you saying Kirishima?" Bakugo looks at Kirishima holding his phone out at you. He grabs your neck and drags you home. Where are we? This looks like my neighborhood. Is he a stalker does he know where I live. You loose your train of thoughts from all the possibilities but a few houses before yours you stop. He grabs you and brings you in the house. "DONT SLAM MY DAMN DOOR" a voice says as you step inside you assume it's his mother. "SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG!!" you look at him shocked at how he talks to his mother. (You could never and would never 🤨👏). He brings you upstairs to his room and sits you in the bed. "Why Are we here "Bakugo" shouldn't you be with Mina?" He looks at you as if you were speaking French. "I'm not dumb." You get up and grab your bag to leave. He grabs your waits. "I was just messing around I don't want Mina, I want you y/n". "We just met today Bakugo please don't give me false hope." "A day is all I needed" he says and spins you around to fake him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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