The hidden kiss

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Peter I whisper,I'm sorry but you need to believe me when I say I do not want to grow up,I loved being with you,I thought I finally had a home and family here but I must go home with my brothers and sister,I need to stick with my family but this is yours
Hook pulls me off the ground
It is only a thimble
How like a girl scoffed hook and the other pirates laugh
By all means my beauty,be my guest,give Peter Pan your little thimble.
I leaned down and whispered into Peter's ear this belongs to you and always will.
I leaned down and kissed him ,everyone was shocked at this.
That was no thimble said John
That was a hidden kiss added Michael
Hook pulls me off of me then something special happened
Brace yourselves lads warned slightly
It's a powerful thing said tootles
Pan your pink said hook
Tinker bell flew out of nibs's hand and rang the bell telling us to get down.
I grabbed bandit and got down on the deck
Peter screamed so loudly that hook and pirates went flying up into the air.
Peter then flew and tossed a sword towards hook
No I have won screamed hook
You are old said Peter
And alone he added and he pushed hook into the middle of the ocean where the crocodile was waiting
Done for I said
No happy thoughts happy thoughts said hook as he flew down towards the jaws of the crocodile
Old alone,done for we all shout
Old alone,done for said hook as he fell into the jaws of the crocodile
Brimstone and gall silence dogs said Peter using hooks voice.or I'll cast anchor in you
Ready to cast off?
Aye aye Captain everyone says running off
"Oh the cleverness of you" I said
The ship was then covered with the fairy dust,I was reminded of the night when we danced to the moonlight,I realized I did not want leave
We went into the nursery and saw mother in her rocking chair with nana at her side.
"Let us bring it to her gently" whispers Wendy and we all strip of our pirate gear and get into our beds
"Oh nana "gasped mother "I dreamt that my babies have come back,I dreamt that they were asleep in their beds but they will never come back "she said and left the room with nana.
We were confused why she did not see us
She rushed back into the room to find us
"Hello mother it's us "said Michael "Wendy,John,Michael,and Annabelle,we're back"
Mother rushed and gave us all a hug
"What is going on?"cried father rushing in
"We're back father,did you miss us? "Asked Michael
"Your back yes well down"
Then we all hugged father
"The silliest thing these young gentlemen say-"said aunt Millicent coming in with the Lost Boys
"Your back" said aunt Millicent
"Mother father I would like you to meet the lost boys may I keep them?"Wendy asks
"The expense "said father
"Think of the neighbors reminded" aunt Millicent
"Dash the neighbors and dash the expense,welcome to the family boys "said father pulling the boys in for a hug.with all the excitement I was glad to be with my family again but I felt that I needed something
I saw a shadow on the carpet move
"Peter I call you won't forget me ?will you? "I ask
"Me?forget?never "he says
He waved to me and flies away
"Will you come back?"I ask
"To hear stories about me "he said about to leave but I couldn't let him leave me
"Peter I don't want you to leave and I don't want to grow up "I sobbed coming near my window
"You must grow up and stay with your family"Peter said
"I realize that your my family and I want to be with you."
"Annabelle "said mother "you can go and be with Peter but promise you will visit "
"I must say goodbye "I said
"Will you be alright ?"I ask towards Wendy
"I will,go you have always wanted an adventure"
We both hug each other before leaving
"Mr and mrs darling thank you for having us but we must return with Peter."
We all flew out and said our final goodbyes
We made it back home and the boys all went to bed leaving Peter and me
"I've been thinking "
"About what?"
"About the thimble"
"You mean the kiss ?"I said
"Right the kiss"
"And "
"Well I suppose I should give you one now"
"Annabelle I know you will like it here"
"Oh we'll see"
After that I was finally happy,my family convinced everyone I was at a boarding school,I had finally found my home and family,I knew one thing my adventures were just beginning and there will be more in store for me

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