The night is young, and so are we

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A mix of both

The night was still young and the two were running hand in hand for at least 10 minutes, before they finally reached the event, they were originally planning on attending - Crystal Lake Hills's winter festival.

Both were extremely exhausted from the Speedy Gonzales they'd just pulled, so they took a few seconds to regain their strength and looked up in awe.

"Wooow..." Doyoung blurted out, his eyes fixated on the banner that stood high and mighty above their heads, and everything beyond it.

If the entrance is this breathtaking then inside, it can only get better!

It was like the older had heard his thoughts because he said right after, "Save your amusement for when we get inside. I didn't take you out today to just look at the base of the cake after all!" Yedam had a proud expression and smiled at the other before he made his way towards the ticket booth, signaling for the younger to follow.

"Two tickets, please!" Doyoung still couldn't drop his gaze from... basically everything he was surrounded by.
It was maybe 5 minutes after that he realized Bang Yedam was calling him and waving his hand in front of his face.

The second year student chuckled at the younger's cute, shocked face.
"What's with you Doyoung-ah?! It seems like you're in a deep daze."

"Yeah, hyung, I know I probably look stupid right now or whatever, but damn I-" the redhead spoke in a monotone voice, enchanted by the colorful lights.

Bang Yedam however, didn't think he looked stupid at all! He also appeared to be immune to those lights because he had seen other, more magnificent, blinding ones in the younger's eyes.

He stared with adoration at the other, his heart felt like it was going to melt.
He knew something inside him was pulling him closer to the red haired boy, but perhaps he wasn't yet ready to admit exactly what that something was.

After giving Doyoung time to digest the beauty of those "oh so majestic lights", the brown haired boy said, "Let's go have fun!"


The university students were really making the best of their time at the festival, going to different rides, small shops with cute souvenirs and gadgets, to the karaoke, where Bang Yedam sang a song dedicated to the younger, then watched some improvised plays and played some of the town's special games.

One of Doyoung's favorite moments was definitely watching the sunset from the purple-lit ferris wheel, the sky slowly darkening and soon after filling with millions of shining stars.

He loved how he could see the stars so clearly in the countryside. Such view was impossible in the city. The lights there were all coming from the buildings and roads, hiding those he truly longed for. Sure, they were beautiful in their own way, but Doyoung's heart has always lied in the simpler and the natural.

Half an hour passed and they finally got off the ferris wheel, thinking about being here together and how much they enjoyed it.

They couldn't even count how many times both of them had almost died from laughter that night. It felt like the universe stopped for them and that they'd always stay together there, smiling widely at each other and having fun.


When brown and red were about to get in line for the last attraction for the night - the haunted house (obviously)- they heard someone from the distance.

"There you are!! We've been looking for you!" Jaehyuk and 4 friends approached the younger boys.

"Oh, hello Jaehyuk hyung!" both of them responded.

"Wait, you know Jaehyuk hyung?!" once again, both exclaimed at the same time.

"Yeah, he's my best friend's cousin, we met a while ago." Doyoung responded calmly.

"He's my friend. He was the one next to me when you bumped into me the first day. You probably didn't notice because you were busy being Usain Bolt." the two youngest among the group laughed at his remark.

The only confused one now was Jaehyuk.
"Wait...Yedam so... that's the person you-" In a split second Bang Yedam slapped his hand on top of the older's mouth, shutting him up embarrassed.

"Hyung! Stop! I told you, it's not like that!" the shorter male whined, gaining the attention of the youngest one in the group. Truth be told, he himself didn't even know how it was like anymore.

Doyoung had never seen Yedam act like that and thought he looked very adorable. Suddenly he felt his cheeks heat up slightly so he turned around, in hopes the older didn't notice.

Jaehyuk freed himself from the second year student's grasp and said with suspicion,
"Suuure, whatever you say...Oh, by the way, I don't think I've properly introduced you before! This is my best friend Asahi!" he pointed at a tall, slim light brown haired boy.

Oh, so it was not Masahi?

"Hello, nice to meet you." the said boy responded in a robotic-monotone voice. He looked calm and composed, just like Bang Yedam had imagined him to be as a graphic design student, and from what he'd heard from Jaehyuk.

"Hi, I'm Yedam, it's good to finally meet you!" if it was the past, the second year student would have probably felt a little jealous and left out by the group of friends he wasn't closed to, or even knew, but now, when he had Kim Doyoung by his side, he felt like nothing of that mattered and suddenly, he didn't feel alone anymore.

"Are you guys going in the haunted house? Let's go together!" Jaehyuk suggested.

The pair looked at each other with hesitation but in the end agreed to let the others join.


Inside was even scarier than the outside, and for sure scarier than Yedam had anticipated. He was, to put it mildly, losing his shit there.

What in the living glob?! When did I turn into such a coward?!!

Out of nowhere he felt a hand grab his own and intertwine their fingers. He heard a soft voice, almost a whisper near his ear,
"Don't be afraid hyung, I'm here with you."

If it wasn't dark, the second year student could have seen the big smile on the redhead's face, but he already knew it was there.
If it wasn't dark, the first year student could have seen the deep red blush that was covering the other's face, but he already knew it was there, because he had the same one.



"Come home with me after the festival, I wanna show you something."

~Vending machine dreams~| Dodam💫Where stories live. Discover now