Spoofs 1

23 2 1

Leo: you have any bags?

Charlie: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes and they are specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence

Leo: Literally all you had to say was "no"

Charlie: I like you. A LOT.

Charlie:*anxiety* Happy April fools day

Leo: it's the middle of January...?   

Sally: I like you

Stan: can you excuse me for a moment

Stan: *loudly from the bathroom 5 seconds later* FRICK

Sally: uhhh-

Stan: *returns* cool cool 

G: My love, I missed you <3<3

Kat: I was gone for 20 minutes or less

G: I missed you

Someone: Sirus unlock your phone

Sirus's brain: act dumb

Sirus: I forgot my finger print

DZ: hey Cass, what's for dinner

Cass: Tonight i'm serving LOOKS

Mechanist: *slams fist on table* WE HAVE'NT EATEN IN THREE DAYS


Me: I'm telling Katie

Kev: no wait-

(Katie is my OC, she's friends with Kev and is possibly the only person that Kev would listen too)   (She makes an appearance in my glitched love fanfic) 

Cesar: I gave Leo a get better soon card

Kev: that's... surprisingly nice of you

Cesar: He wasn't sick I just wanted him to do better  

G: I feel like we aren't as close of friends anymore so I got us friendship bracelets

Kat: ok

G: *handcuffs them together* there we go

Charlie: can you tuck me in?

Leo:??? you just handed me a shovel?

Charlie: yeah, just spread the dirt as evenly as you can over me, thanks

Charlie: Hey Kat, how do you want your eggs? 

Kat: hm?

Charlie: your eggs?

Kat: tasty

Charlie: *puts his head in his hands* are you kidding tasty are you kidding

Stan: But what if she kisses me?

Charlie: you kiss her back, bro

Stan: ok

Stan, thinking: but why her back though...?

Charlie: *points to high shelf* could you get that for me

Leo: you do need me in your life after all

Charlie: I could replace you with a step ladder

Charlie: I'm cold

Leo: ohmygosh ok here take my jacket and heres some handwarmers and lets get you some hot coco-

Kev: i'm cold too

Stan: oh mY GOD *gives coat* why didn't you say something sooner you shitbag *steals gloves off snowman* your going to freaking freeze to death and your ego is too freaking fragile to admit it *Takes hat off someone's head*  GOD sometimes I wonder how you managed to run a country at one point in time(not very well for long, but still)-

Katie: Yea, Im cold too

Kev: well dang Katie I don't control the weather!

Kev:*remembers that he has operating powers, and therefore he could literally control the weather*

Kev: wait-

Katie: you are a complete moron 

Some funnies for ya! And before you sue me for shipping kev and stan I HAVE AN AU PLS DON'T HURT ME  

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