OS: Hide and seek(King Kev angst)

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Warning: contains possesive behavior, mentions of suicide(nothing too graphic), self blame

Footsteps. That's bad.

It was a beautiful day, and Kev was running for his life. It's all just a game to them, but it isn't to Kev. A game of hide and seek.

But bounty hunters are just playing hide and seek with their victims, aren't they?

Kev could barely remember the last time he got to appreciate the beauty of the spawn forest. It was so much more real than the cold stone walls he was used to. The sunlight filtering through the trees, the crystal clear river, he missed it so much.

But he couldn't stop to see it now. Kev scrolled through skin upon skin, trying to find one he could use...

Maybe... Herobrine? A bunch of people use this skin, right?  Kev selected it, knowing his time was up. The weird skin-crawling feeling rippled over his body, the trademark sensation you get when you change your skin in minecraft.

The footsteps were getting even closer now, steady and sure.

Sure that they could catch him.

Sure that they would win.

A voice rang out from the trees. "Keevvv,"

The voice sing-songed , dripping with malice.

"I know you're in here somewhere~"

"Come on out, don't be shy," 

It was sickly sweet, a voice that Kev dreaded, a voice that Kev knew would hunt him down until one of them died.

Kev risked a glance behind him, only to be nose to nose with Caesar.

He found him.

Kev reflexively took a step back, only to run into the cool tip of Caesar's blade.

"Ohohoho~" a venomous smile curled on Caesar's lips. "Looks like someone thought that they could run away from their job?"

"I- I don't know what you're talking about." Kev managed, trying to pretend he was someone else, someone that wouldn't crumble with some well placed words from a well placed person.

He ducked his head down, trying to hide his eyes, the thing that would give him away.

"Oh, I think you know plenty well what I'm talking about, King Kev."

"I'm telling you, you have the wrong guy," Kev insisted, hoping that Caesar would get bored and he could finally be free.

Free from being king.

Free from this puppet act.

Free to just enjoy the world he created.

Was that too much to ask?

Caesar hummed in response. "Well, if that is the case, I'm sure you won't mind me sharing the fact that Adoria is dead..."

Kev's head snapped up. Caesar immediately grabbed Kev by both sides of his head, forcing him to look into his eyes.

Tears sprung up at the corners of Kev's eyes, winding their way down his cheek.

Adoria... dead? No, he has to be lying, she can't be dead! Not- no. He's lying to you, she can't... can't be...

"Ah, so it is you after all," Caesar said. "I know you all too well, Kev, you can't run from me that easy~"

Kev couldn't find it in himself to respond, only tears coming instead of words.

"Aww, don't be sad, dear," Kev shivered at the pet name as Caesar gently wiped away the tears. "It's better this way, you know. She was just using you, remember?"

Kev only managed a numb, shaky nod.

"And you're the one who sent the riot squad there, remember?"

Kev weakly croaked, "I didn't... think... she shouldn't have... why didn't she..."

Caesar calmly ran a hand through Kev's hair. It felt more possessive than comforting. But to Kev, that was comforting.

He... he was in good hands with Caesar. Caesar always knew what to do. Caesar was the one who made him realize. Realize he couldn't trust his so-called friends. That he could only trust Caesar.

Only Caesar.

Always Caesar.

Just do what Caesar wants, and everything will be Ok.

I'm always the one who messes it up, anyway.

If I had just done what I was told...

Maybe Adoria would still be alive.

Maybe Avery would still be alive.

"Oh, Kev, it's going to be just fine," Caesar said, guiding Kev's head to his shoulder. "In fact, since you did such an excellent job of killing yourself and those fake justice phonies, I think I'll let you enjoy this view for a bit, alright?"

Such an excellent job of killing yourself

Those words echoed in Kev's mind.

'It's all a performance' is what Caesar said when he refused. 'You don't have stage fright, now do you?'

It really hurt. Having to stab himself. Actually, he didn't manage to completely finish it with that, so he felt it all




As time seemed to slow, just to increase his suffering.

He deserved it.

He knew that much.

Ha, and to think there was a time when he thought that Caesar was wrong about that.

Kev knew now that he deserved every inch of the pain, and an infinite amount more.

But Kev was too tired to think.

Too tired to move.

So he simply sat with Caesar, relishing the sun, the trees, because he knew that soon enough, it would be back to castles.

Back to throne rooms. 

Back to Stone, stone, stone, stone.

Kev smiled. "Isn't it such a beautiful day outside?"

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