Throne's sweet 16?

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It has been two years ago when Thorn and Hunter started dating and now she is turning 16 and in 10th grade. "Thorn are you ready for your sweet 16 birthday ball." her father asked. "Yes dad." she said. "Guess who is here to see you." Bon said. "Send them up." she yelled. "Hello Thorn it has been awhile since I last saw you." it was Maddy K. "I know that voice anywhere. MADDY K what are you doing here." Throne said. "I better get back down stairs and be at the party." he said. "Now ladies and gentlemen your own famous friend from school Thorn Jovi." Mr.Jovi said. Everyone cheered and clapped for Thorn. "May I have this dance Thorn." Hunter said. "Why yes you may have this dance Hunter." she replied. Maddy K was getting jealous of Hunter dancing with the love of his life. Thorn and Hunter went into Thorn's bedroom and started kissing. Then all of the sudden Maddy K came Storming in and threw Hunter on the floor and Thorn ran to his side and yelled for Joey. So Bon Jovi, Joey, Peace and Joy came running in and saw Hunter on the floor, Thorn at his side and Maddy K standing looking at them and pulled something out of his pocket. He had a gun and was aiming it towards Thorn if Hunter didn't break up with her he would shoot her. "Dude I will never break up with her because I love her and I make her happy so put the gun down or put it away ." Hunter said. Maddy K didn't listen and started to run after Throne because she didn't want to be shot. Then everyone in Thorn's room heard a gun shots and yelling from her library. When they got to the library they seen Thorn bleeding and not breathing. Hunter ran to her side and started to cry and Mr.Jovi call 911 and they took her to the hospital. They waited for the doctor and he said "She is badly wounded in the heart but we'll be keeping a close eye on her. She won't be in school for awhile and is not going able to walk for awhile and will need to have crutches along with help getting around." So Hunter Stayed with her that night and she said a few words:" Hunter where am I?" Hunter said: "You are in the hospital." So she fell into a sleeping lola.

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