Chapter 1

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" I always wonder what is it feels to fall in love.. be with someone that could makes you see those cloud 9...
to be able feeling safe and sound by just sitting beside him... found the other half"

Beep beep beep

The lights from the evening illuminate the girl's room through those little passages from the unlatched curtains. Her eyes triggered kick in her body to wake up.

She looks around while still in a subconscious mind. "What time is it?"
She unroll her body to gain some energy. She could hear those waterdrops from the bathroom calling her to take a shower. As she regain her strength her mind suddenly remembering something that makes her groan. "Aisshhhh do I really have to go" she murmured.

She stayed on the bed for almost five minutes before heading to the bathroom. "Let's see what scent should I put on this body". There are 6 scented soap neatly arranged in a row on the sink and the blue one caught her heart. "Fresh and cold perhaps" and then she began doing her business.

Hi and hello my name is Kim Yewon and you could probably refer me as Umji. It takes 20 minutes for me to be done with the bathroom things. After that, I walked to the closet and search a simple dress I could wear. I do not want any attention at all so I picked up the maroon dress. It was just a plain dress but it was beautifully designed. "Kim Yewon hurry up!". I know my mother will do that very soon.

Truth to be told I really don't wanna go to the party or more likely my father business partner reunion. I keep questioning why they need to bring family. My father gave me the cliche reason that firing up more my intention to not go.

"You already 25 and still single perhaps you can find someone there and it would be very nice if that someone is a son to one of my business partner" he said. Not only my father but my mother too told me that "and Yewon don't you the one who so desperately want to fall in love last week". I really hate my mother for spilling the beans. A week ago I told her or grunting to her that I really wanna fall in love well that was just because I'm so addicted to this one K-drama that I didn't expect could turn me into this desperate lady who looking for her love.

I wanted to argue but I know it's useless so I just went with them and this is why I ended up here. To be falling in love, I truly did want to know how is it feels but not this way being set up by my parents. I like to complicate and complicated things. That's one of my life's problem. I do desperately wanna know from who exactly I got this trait tho.

30-minutes later, "" I whispered yell to her even though I sit just a few inch away from her and she turned at me with a smile that looks could kill. Despite her I'm-gonna-kill-you face I still blurted out my words. "I'm bored I want to go home". She glared at me before turning back to whatever she's doing. She was having a chit chat with some ladies that seems to have the same age as her. I don't mean to be rude but I am actually a shy person so it is really hard for me to find anyone to talk with. I did see some men and woman that I assumed probably around the same age as me hanging around nearby but the timid me couldn't dare to go there.

I look around again. My feet playing tip tap down there without I realize it not until my mother gave me the dagger looks. Boredom at its finest and I can't handle it anymore. I decided to have some fresh air. On my way to the outside I stopped at the serving to grab some drink which is a mango juice poured in a very fancy glass.

I feel like I finally can breath again as the night sky coming to my view. What a good moment to have. Sipping my mango juice while enjoying the night view. The soft wind blows through me relaxing my mind and body for awhile but all of that destroyed in a blink of an eye when I got a terror shock. What's worst I accidentally bumped to something or someone.

To Be Continued...
A.N: Hello readers did you enjoy it, I hope so🌼. Don't forget to vote and comment if can, Thank you very much💕

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