Chapter 4

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Typical Tuesday, I was here in my cafe taking part as a waitress. I started this business around January last year and I am so thankful it still going well until today. "Noona you're daydreaming again". That voice knock me off to reality. "Sorry Daniel-ssi" I pinched his cheek. "Noona please stop pinching my cheeks I'm 16 already". If he was still a child my kisses already would be all over his face for sure. He is Kim Daniel my one and only sibling.

"By the way noona what were you daydreaming about anyway?" "It's adult things now go take orders I see some customers just came in". He pouted and went away. During school break my cute little brother became my sidekick in this cafe and forgive me but with his presence here it actually attracting more customers or his fans after all he is a good looking boy!.

It's been three days since that night. I never see him anymore. I try to search on google and social media but couldn't find any information. (A.N: LOL let's just pretend). I did want to ask my father but I didn't have the courage he will probably just think of it as a beneficial thislng for his business. I come back to stare at the see-through glass wall. After a few minutes, I immediately ran to the outside. "Wait!" I half yell at the person. Thankfully he stop and turned to me. I ran a little more towards him. "Hi" I said in between my panting. "I don't know if you still remember me but I met you in a party....I'm the person accidently spilled the mango juice on your vest".

He didn't react. "I really wanted to meet you and ask something do you have a free time?". He still don't give any reaction at all. "Mister please if you have a free time do meet me here in this cafe" and as soon I finished my words he walked away. "Mister please!" I shouted earning me some stare from the people passing by.

~The next day~

"Wow someone is very energetic today" "Good morning mom and I have to go now". Yewon kissed her cheek and headed to her car. "What's wrong with her" the mother whisper yell at Daniel. He shake his head giving the sign I-don't-know and then follow his sister to the car. Today she's feeling very ecstatic like a summer girl spirit. On their way to the cafe Yewon can't stop smiling and humming.


"Good mor- omg what just happened!?" ask a girl who just arrived into the cafe named Somi. She is one of the waitress in the cafe. She was so surprised that the cafe already cleaned. "Noona suddenly seem very hype today" said Daniel who sit nearby. "Oh hey Somi-ssi good morning!" greeted Yewon. She was just finished cleaning some stuff in the kitchen which she never done it before. This makes Somi and Daniel even more surprised. "Good morning noona but" "no it's fine". Yewon continue her cleaning while Daniel just shrug it off and continue reading an e-book on his tab.

~In the afternoon~

"Noona why you keep doing it" "Doing what?" "Staring outside" "It's normal right" "it is but you have doing it since the morning". Yewon didn't answer anymore. She continues staring outside. Daniel furrow at her before went away. Hours have passed and now it was closing time. The hype Yewon was long gone now there's only a dying flower. The other worker have went home. "Daniel I'm worried about your sister" said Somi. "Me too noona" "Call me if there's anything wrong okay" she said again and take a glance at Yewon. "Noona I'm going" but Yewon didn't reply. After Somi leave, Daniel walked towards his sister. Yewon was still staring outside but now with a clear sad face. "Noona you'll scare people away if you keep your face like that". Daniel sat beside her. "Daniel-ssi can we wait just a little bit more until probably 6 p.m.". It sounded more like a demand than a question. "Yeah sure". Daniel took out his phone and play with it while still sitting beside her.

Half of the day had passed and there is still no sign of him. It was 7:01 pm right now. A very heavy sigh could be heard from the little girl mouth.

"Daniel-ssi let's go home". As much as I want to cry but still luckily I can hold it. My heart still hoping he will come tomorrow. I turned to look at my brother and a little laugh came out. He was slurping some ramyeon and some of it stick to his mouth. "Yah kiddo you are messy" I wipe it. "Well it's not my fault I'm hugry so..." "Okay okay I'm sorry I will buy you what you want on the way home okay?" "Nah probably next time noona I just want to go home and sleep". "Aigoo" I pinched his cheek. I'm glad he was here at least I don't need to feel so sad anymore.

To Be Continued...


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Kim Daniel

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