Prologue- What Jason "Mist" (Hope you like the pun)

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    Cassie- 7:00

    Ok let me get one thing clear. I hate getting out of bed in the morning. Especially to the sound of a short, angry guy who yells to much. As I open my eyes I take a look around the room and see Piper still in her bed, hair wild and sticking out in every direction. I push the covers off my les and begin to walk out the door of our dorm room to the bathroom. Might as well get rid of my morning breath. As I open the door I see the rest of the girls from our dorm lounging about, doing each other make up and hair, getting "pretty" for the boys. I'm not against the casual massacre like piper but what these girls put on could cover a canvas. I walk over to one of the very few unused sink and look at my self in the mirror. My blond hair is sticking out in every direction, in a similar fashion to Pipes, I still have drool dripping down my chin, and my eyes have the biggest bag the world has every seen under them. I grab tooth brush from my small bag of toiletries and try to turn on the sink but the water won't come out for some god dam reason. I smack the fosset a few times be for the water burst out it and completely soaks my PJ shirt. Great I think to myself. The other girl look over at me with shocked smirks on their faces, turn to each other, and start cracking up like its the funniest thing they've ever seen.

" Watch out, the crazy girls going to flood the bathroom" One of the cackles.

"Psychopath" another says.

    I flip all of them off before turning around and walking back down the hall into our dorm room. I walk over to the dresser and start to change before I hear a ginormous snore come from the other side of the room and realize Pipers still sleeping. My face grows an evil smirk before I slowly turn around and walk up to my bedside. Me and Leo play pranks on Jason and Piper all the time so our gear is all under my bed. Where Leo gets this stuff I have no idea, but I enjoy it. I grab the box from under the bed and pull out our Pennywise mask. While me and Piper were watching it one night, Leo and Jason thought it'd be hysterically prank us by poping there faces through two different windows at the different times to make us think It was going to kills us. So funny boys. Anyway I'm losing my train of thought. I walk over to Piper with the mask on and jump on her, laughing like a maniac, which I technically am.

She loses her shit.

She start screaming and flailing her limbs so I get kicked in the stomach and fall to the floor, crying from the laughter. She sits up in her bed, glares down at me with malice in her eye, and screams these exact words at the top of her lungs:


Oh shit.

    I get up and run out of our dorm, ripping the mask off as I go. She starts to chase me until we've reach the end of the hall way we're there no way out, just a wall. About three seconds before reading my doom, Piper tackles me to the floor and looks at me with hatred in her eyes. I'm still laughing like its the end of the world and then look at her too. We make eye contact for five seconds before she starts laughing to. The other girls stick their heads out the bathroom to glare at us but, hell we don't care. We keep laughing till my stomach hurts and I stand up, offering her a hand. She takes it and stands up herself. Piper is a couple inches taller then me with short choppy brown hair and tan skin, basically an opposite to my pale freckled complexion. Her dad is Native American, and she gets picked on for it sometimes with the other kids making mean and unnecessary comments. I really don't get how people can say somethings like that and be so cruel. She usually either fights them or ignores them but she's told me how much they hurt her. Thankfully, after her and Jason started dating the comment reduced because well, Jason is basically your all American boy. There still there, just don't effect her as much. Unfortunately for me, I still and hyper focus on every little snarky remark or insult thrown my way that is to my ADHD. We all have it here but only me, Piper, Jason, and Leo have dyslexia to go with it. And apparently I also have some thing where the voices in my head project themselves into my vision so I not only hear things but see things, I don't know I let my therapist take care of it. Sorry again got off track.

~ κυματιστά ~ *The Lost Hero* (A Percy Jackson and Hero's of Olympus) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon