Catch me

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"Sure. A walk sounds nice and I bet this guy needs it after being stuck inside all day" he eyed me critically as his hand continued to stroke my stomach, just brushing my dick. Pausing before he stood up to inhale deeply right over my prone body.

'Oh god. Why was this happening to me?' I wanted to scramble to my feet and take off the second they opened that door but my stupid instincts we're screaming at me to SUBMIT. Something about this alpha called to my wolf. Demanding I obey.

I was just getting to my paws when Lily clipped the leash on and with a small tug encouraged me to follow her out the door. "Matt" right on our heels closing the door behind us. I could feel his eyes on my flank and kept my tail tucked firmly against my belly. I refused to look at him but now that he was so close, so ALPHA, it's like just being close to him was enough to override my logic. I needed to think and I couldn't with him RIGHT THERE.
A pathetic whine left me. "He must really have to go." Lily said as we slowly made our way towards the small park down the block. Matt engaged her in small talk, his deep voice holding on to the growly command from before. I tuned out his words and just tried to focus on what to do next.

I always avoided leaving as much sent as possible close to Lily's house,just Incase. 'Lot of good that did me' I complain in my head. This is so embarrassing. I might not live much of my life as a man but I still have my pride. This alpha was not supposed to be here. I was not supposed to be here. Collared. Leashed. Living as a dog among humans. Sniffing and peeing on bushes while they watch just for appearance sake. Good thing you can't blush while shifted. Suddenly I questioned if I'd made the right choices to have ended up trapped in this singular moment. Trapped under an alphas gaze.

By the time we made it back to the house I was a nervous wreck. Lily unhooked my leash and hung it back up by the door. The alpha, Matt, was on the phone ordering a pizza while Lily started scrolling through Netflix to find whatever movie they were supposed to watch. I had no doubt this whole situation was a lie. He must have smelled me on her somehow and found an excuse to follow her all the way to me. This was no coincidence or accident. I needed to leave. Now.

Hoping to slink into the bedroom,maybe out a window once the movie starts, I watch him from the corner of my eye. He's not paying me any attention at the moment and I seize the opportunity to get to the back of the house. Once I'm in the bedroom and I can hear them settling in on the couch as the movie plays. I shift into my human form and crouch near the window to listen for any signs of movement from the living room but all I can hear are the speakers and the soft chatter of conversation. 'Good they're both distracted' now or never.

Creeping to the window I hold my breath and listen before opening it. Pinching the two locks and slowly sliding the frame up feels like it takes forever but really probably only took a few seconds. I quietly pop the screen out and lightly toss it on the ground. I'll have to climb out naked but once I'm out I can shift quickly and just keep running as far from here as possible. It sucks leaving everything behind but where there's an alpha, other wolves will soon follow. I can't stick around any longer.

As my first foot touches the soft grass outside I pause to listen again. 'Just the movie Cody keep going'. Sliding out of the window is tricky naked but I managed and once I'm on the ground I briefly turn back to contemplate closing the window but when Lily notices I'm gone an open window will be really convenient. so I leave it.

Suddenly, a hand closes over my mouth and another wraps around my arms and chest. Pressing me into a firm chest and a deep voice whispers "going somewhere, little omega bitch?"
Panic courses through me as the man at my back lifts me from the ground like I weigh nothing and starts walking away from the house. It's not the alpha, this man is definitely a beta but he's still stronger than me and even if I shifted I'd be no match against his larger wolf form either. 'Curse my diminutive body! Omegas aren't built for fighting. We're built for fucking and raising pups but I don't think I've hated it more than I do in this moment.' Tears collect in my eyes and I try desperately to kick behind me,aiming for anything I can reach. When that doesn't work I try biting the hand over my mouth but my assailant is careful to keep his fingers from between my teeth. None of my efforts pay off and soon I realize he's dragging me out of the neighborhood and towards my den. 'I really had no chance' I moan. 'These wolves must have been watching me or something if they knew where my nest was'.

Sure enough, the beta drags me to the crack in the rock that opens up to my den. The branches that I had used to disguise it are discarded to the side. A few more tears escape at the violation of my den. My sanctuary. There's no way for us both to squeeze into the small space at the same time. The beta realizes this too and squeezes me even tighter as he growls in my ear. "Don't even think about running. We've got your scent now and we'd catch you before you got too far. You're already going to be punished for trying to run from him, don't make it worse for yourself than it has to be."
So he is with the alpha back at Lily's. Damn. I guess I already knew but there's so much finality in his voice that any illusions I still held onto of escape dissolve and I go limp in his grip. Nodding my acceptance of his words he lets me slide down his front until my bare feet are planted on the ground. Only then does he begin to release me grabbing my left wrist and motioning me to crawl ahead of him into the den.
Once we've both managed to wedge ourselves through the narrow space and into the wider cave he releases my wrist and I immediately scoot to the farthest corner and try to curl into myself as much as possible. The beta plants himself right in front of the entrance, like I could make a dash for it if he didn't try to block the entire opening with his body.

Peeking at him over my crossed arms I can see he resembles the alpha from earlier. Same dark hair, though his seems a little longer than the alpha's. Deep set eyes and square jaw on a bulky body. 'They're probably related'. I realize. Most packs interbreed for generations so everyone starts to look alike. If enough generations pass without bringing in fresh blood, birth defects and still births increase and with the werewolf population already being spread thin most packs swap breeding age wolves every few years.

He's watching me back. Nostrils flaring every once in a while as he takes in my scent. Briefly his eyes scan the fresh supplies and folded blankets off to the side before zeroing back on me. "When is your heat?" He asks. His voice startles me a little and I duck my head. Futilely hiding from his words. He doesn't need an answer though. I'm sure my scent is telling him all he needs to know about how close my heat is. And if they knew about the den, the fresh supplies would be all the confirmation they'd need about how I spent it.

After a while of stagnant silence, my tense muscles relaxed. Unable to maintain my position I start to shift and attempt to get more comfortable. Looks like this beta is just going to guard me until the alpha comes to claim me. And there's no doubt in my mind that's exactly why I'm here. The adrenaline rush from earlier has worn off and I'm exhausted. My eyes start to droop and I list slowly to one side only to jerk back, suddenly awake.

"Use the bedding. Get comfortable. We're going to be here for a while yet." He doesn't sound tired at all. While I wanted to growl and tell him to fuck off I knew it would do me no good. If I can't get away from these guys I guess I should at least not make myself suffer more than I'm sure I will when the alpha shows up.

Reaching across the small space I grab the blanket on top. My favorite. Forrest green and a thick knit that provides a cushion between the hard rock and isn't too smothering on hot nights. I drape it over myself and settle against the wall. The familiar texture combined with the stress of the day and I'm asleep within seconds. Drifting in blissful darkness where there are no scary betas or alphas.

Where I'm still mine for a little while longer.

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