chapter 6: punishment

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Clary POV

When we exited the portal we were in the living room. Sebastian threw me to the floor. "endarkened leave." Said Sebastian. I heard faint yes my Lord and yes Lord Sebastian. When they left Sebastian pulled me off the floor and threw me on a glass table. Lucky I didn't fall through.

"Clarissa what did I tell you." He hissed.

"I-I you told me not to make comments or smart remarks." I answered.

"Well you in fact did make a comment. Diddn't you darling."

"Yes Sebastian I did and I'm I'm sorry I diddnt mean to it-it just slipped."

"I. Don't. Care. I gave you orders that I expect you to follow. I told you when you mess up it will result in a punishment. Now enough talk." He said.

He grabbed the back of her head, grabbing a fistful of hair making Clary yelp in pain. He drug her down a dark and dank hallway. It was black and gloomy. They stopped at a metal and rusty door. He grabbed a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

"Clarissa I do not want to do this but until you can control yourself I will not hesitate to punish you." He said. When we entered the room he discarded me on the floor. Around the room I could see many torture devices. Whips, hooks, blades, etc were lining the walls. Near the middle of the room were chains hanging from the celing. He grabbed her hands and chained them, she was now dangling from the celieng, her feet barley touching the floor. Sebastian pulled the back of her head and wispered in her ear.

"Your lucky im only giving you fifteen lashes but i will be using a demon metal whip darling," he pulled back and said, "do one thing for me would you Clarissa?"

"W-what?" Clary said her voice shakey.

"Scream." He said and brought the whip down on her bare back. She screamed as she felt the whip split her flesh, her warm blood trickling down her back at a soft steady pace. He brought the whip down again causing her to scream louder when it connected to the previous whip mark. He brought it down again, but this time she muffled the scream by biting her lip. She could taste the warm metalic blood in her mouth.

******* 12 whips later....
Sebastians pov

She shouldnt have talk back to me. I hate punishing her, but how would she learn if i didnt. I will teach her. When we reach our room i sit her on the bed and brought towls to clean up her back.

I WONT leave my sister Completly broken.......... because
I love her.

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