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I can't walk.

I can't run.

I can't even crawl.

My heart is crawling up my throat.

My throat has the dry taste of dust.

My feet have knives stabbed into the soles.

My hands have cuts of poison upon them.

My stomach has a roll of prevomit in it.

My hair knotted behind me and splattered on the ground.

A simple noise will destroy me and my weak body.

My back feels broken like a piece glass.

My head feels split in two, paper tearing apart.
Thud. Thud. Thud.

Noise! No! Anything but that!

The vibration of someone walking to me got closer to my sliced ears.

My red stained eyes reach up as far as they could without them aching in my skull.

Just...someone... Help me.

They suddenly stop and I feel a tiny gust of wind brush against my face, making a cracked scream burst from my mouth. It came out as a cough.

"It will be all over soon."

I linger my eyes up towards the voice I heard through my burning ears.

It's nothing.

All I see is a gun raised to my timple, yet someone had to be holding it.

Yet, there wasn't anyone behind the trigger.


I knew that voice, I hear it everyday, every hour, every minute, every second.

A blink changed the view, I stare up at myself.

My body wasn't damaged.

My body wasn't spilling with bruises and blood.

My body was stiff and strong and the gun in hand.

"We tried, didn't we?"

I asked me.

I feel the dried blood in my mouth water, my words trying to spill out like a river.

I had no warning.

No sense around me.

No tense reaction.

No last goodbye.

The cold metal runs down my fever and a shiver breaks my back.

"Yes." And the ring of the gun shines to my ears.

I wake up to see a bleeding corpse on the ground. My hand grasped a gun.

I'm a killer.

But, I just killed myself.

Why was I staring at my dying body?

The cuts that covered my body were slowly fading into nothing.

My hair went straight.

My body unbroken.

I was myself again.

The body of the dead girl soon became a Erie fog and drifted off, swirling around me first before drifting off into nowhere.

To a place far from here.

To a place far from me.

And that's when I was set free.

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