Chapter 15

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Colette's POV

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Colette's POV

Wilbur announced the parties that'll be competing for president. As said, POG2020, Schaltt2020, Cocunut2020, SWAG2020 and the members in each party. We were having a small intermission so that Will can calculate the votes.

Everyone seemed excited but for some reason a cold feeling inside is saying that so things bad is going to happen like really bad, plus these days I had the feeling like I was being watched everywhere. It makes me cautious every time I go out alone. I sat in the chair roaming through my thoughts until BadBoyHalo talked, "Hey, you okay?" He said in a sweet voice, I nodded with a reassuring smile. "Thanks for asking BadBoyHalo.." I said looking at him, he is a nice guy with horns and looks evil and intimidating but once you hear his voice and actions, he actually appear nice. "Please call me Bad, my friends call me that." He said with a smile, "Well, alright Bad." I said with a chuckle.

(A/N : before any confusion, no, Colette and Bad isn't gonna have a relationship together only a good friendship.)

(Few minutes later)

The intermission was over and all eyes were on Wilbur for announcing the votes, percentage. I wonder who is going to win?

Wilbur's POV

"Alright, the votes have been calculated." Everyone sat silence once they heard my voice which made me jump a little by the sudden silence I made. I started to spoke and told myself to not stutter if not I'll mentally hit myself, "T-The votes was mostly by the same handwriting and..same person, we deducted the same votes for the person itself." My gaze went over to Fundy. My own son decided to cheat in trying to pull more votes for himself..I'm quite disappointed.

"In 4th place, we have Coconut2020 with 9%." Niki and Fundy started cheering, smiled widely at each other with happiness which gave me a small smile even though they didn't win. "In 3rd place, we have Schaltt2020 with 16%." Everyone tensed-shoulder seem to relax a bit with relief. On the other hand, Schaltt still stood there a slight smirk and arm-crossed. I hate what's about to happen soon. "I-In 2nd place.." the whole audience sat in complete and pure silence, waiting for me to say the place. "SWAG2020 with 30%." Tommy started to cheer and hands on his head, widen eyes in surprise. "WE DID IT WILL! WE WON! YES!" he fist pumped in the air, "Tommy. TOMMY! Just listen!" I said with a slight yell, but yet..he didn't listen to me, too focused on the fact that we "won". "WIL! WE WON! WE WON, WE WON, WE WON!" he cheered once again. "TOMMYINNIT!" He knew I was being serious this time, whenever I say his name, it's usually in a serious tone. "Yes..we kinda of won..but, before the election. Quackity and Schaltt made a deal together that no matter what, Quackity would s-share his votes with S-Schaltt." I said gulping in my throat, waiting for a response. "W-what?" Tommy stuttered with fear and confusion. "That m-means..that Schaltt has 46% of the vote.."

Everyone face dropped, Tubbo stood with eyes widen and fear while standing next to Technoblade in the crowd. Niki and Fundy stood there almost tearing up, Ranboo furrowed his eyes in well.. I'm not sure myself but most likely confusion. Colette..she burst in anger.

"WHAT?! WHY HIM!" Colette said, but was held back by George and Quackity. She started to tear up with angry tears. Every tear dropped to the ground in a beat, I felt so bad that this happened.

I disappointed everyone.

Colette's POV

I stood there struggling from both of the men's grip, I'm not strong enough but at least I can annoy them. "stop moving if not we will have issues.." Quackity whispered in my ear clearly, giving me a shiver down my spine.

"Well..that was easy." The horned-man said with pride. "L'MANBURG! or shall I say..Manburg, is mine to take over! I'll treat the country better, my first command for the country is to revoke WilburSoot and TommyInnit from L'man- I mean Manburg!" He yelled then laughed holding his stomach containing his evil laugh. "What?" Wilbur said with a feared expression. A few unknown faces came up to them and ran into them but they were fast enough to splash potions to disappear form the crowd. Myself is not the best in potions but it's probably invisibility.

I ran out of their grip and tried to find the both men. They have to be somewhere, arrow of weakness stabbed into my back.

A dark silhouette appoarched to me as my vision started to get blur, "g-get aw-way.." with my final words, I felt myself drew off to the darkness.

Will I be okay?


Hey beautiful people! Sry for the lack of Y/N and Dream moments but it'll get hotttt

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Hey beautiful people! Sry for the lack of Y/N and Dream moments but it'll get hotttt.

Anyways, MAKE SURE TO DRINK OR EAT SMTG FOR THE IF U HAVEN'T! Ily losers :p. Bye for now <3

Word count : 931

- naomi_7979

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