Rock of Ages/Knightmare

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It has been 5 years since Darkseid corrupted the Earth with the Anti-Life Equation. Him and his legion of Elites have turned the moon into a full concentration camp and broadcast Anti-Life to everywhere on Earth. They are almost at the point of converting every human being into a parademon, slave or has been killed. The few heroes that still possess their Anti-Life headbands keep thinking of ways to figure out how to reverse the timeline to avoid the current predicament of themselves and of the Earth. Batman and his gang of insurgents are located in an abandoned tunnel under what used to be Wayne Manor and Barbara, Tatsu and Helena are situated in the former Sherwood Florist store, which was previously owned by Dinah Lance. 

One day, Barbara gets some information about components to build the Cosmic Treadmill and the heroes plan for Flash to travel on the Treadmill at a pace that will reverse the Rock of Ages timeline and give the heroes of Earth a second chance to avert the coming disaster. Barbara cannot fully comprehend where the information comes from but trusts it nonetheless as the heroes have no choice. With a total of eight components, each team decides to bring in four each so they can build the treadmill at a neutral location before taking it to Darkseid's fort in Geneva.

The inital components, an Apokoliptian alternating current motor and cooling liquid are found in one of the hellhounds used by Darkseid's legions. Helena and Tatsu team up with Cyborg to infiltrate an encampment in (formerly) Eastern Russia to steal the parts. Cyborg temporarily disables the hellhound and Helena sneaks into the machine and steal the components just in time as the machine starts fighting back Cyborg's override commands. As they are leaving, they are discovered by Black Canary, Gilotina and Mad Harriet patrolling the encampment. Cyborg and Tatsu keep Gilotina and Harriet at bay but the matchup between Helena and Dinah is almost evenly matched. Helena starts gaining the upper hand a little but Dinah deceives Helena into making her think that she overcame Anti-Life and Helena falls for it. Dinah takes advantage of the Helena's temporary imbalance to pound her to a pulp, which results in severe injuries. Tatsu and Cyborg knock Gilotina and Harriet out and with the aid of the Father Box he retrieves from Gilotina, Cyborg opens a boom tube back to the Sherwood Florist hideout while Dinah picks up the unconscious Gilotina and Harriet and returns to DeSaad's Vegas citadel to tend to all their injuries. 

Back at the Sherwood Florist, Helena is injured and is currently recovering with the help of Barbara's medical kits and spare regenerative tissue Cyborg has kept in reserve for quick recovery from extreme injuries. Helena is angry at herself for the temporary vulnerability against Dinah and not being able to retrieve the motor and the supply of cooling liquid for the Cosmic Treadmill, but Cyborg reveals that he was able to secretly shrink the components to a portable size and enlarges them at the Sherwood Florist. He puts the components in the reserves and comes back to tend to Helena's injuries. Tatsu comes back after a short bout of meditation to comfort Helena and Cyborg recounts the story of how he and Ryan Choi fabricated "The Shrinker", the device which helped to shrink and enlarge objects as needed. He reveals that the two of them fabricated it by combining Ryan's White Dwarf Matter technology, stolen Apokoliptian equipment and Cyborg's muscle tissue. 

In a short flashback, Cyborg reveals that him, Flash and Ryan Choi tried to infiltrate Kanto's citadel in (what was formerly) France to steal a strand of a special Apokoliptian element named Yugakhanium with which the three of them planned to fabricate the Treadmill Belt surface that can withstand the humongous speed at which the Flash runs. When the three of them leave the stronghold, Flash has a bit of trouble tapping into the Speed Force and discovers that the Black Racer is slowly taking control of the Speed Force. Darkseid catches the three of them fleeing and a small fight erupts. The team knows that they don't stand a chance against him so they try to flee the area but not before Darkseid fires omega beams from each of his eyes. One of them hits Ryan Choi, killing him in the process. The second one chases the Flash who manages to tap in to the residual Speed Force and is chased by the Black Racer in addition to the omega beam from Darkseid. He manages to outrun them both and tap out of the Speed Force and him and Cyborg escape from Kanto's stronghold. 

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