The beginning...

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I don't think this is right... Is it? Falling for your friends I've heard about before, but falling for your professor surely can't be normal. My own teacher! I try my hardest not to linger my lustful eyes on him for too long, but it's proving impossible not to do so when his goddamn shirt is so tight! I look at his broad shoulders. His muscles flex with every move he makes. His hand moves up to his jaw and gently itches his beard. He has that scruffy look on him... You know, that really sexy one. The white shirt that he is wearing is hugging his muscles perfectly in all the right places. The sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows which gives me a perfect view of his veiny arms and his large hands.

Oh man, imagine what those hands can do, Jesus Christ.

I subconsciously bite my bottom lip and I quickly look elsewhere so I don't get caught staring. I suddenly let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding in.

Half an hour later of drooling into a fairy tale fantasy, his model mouth opens. 

"This should be it for today guys, if you have any questions, please feel free to stick around for a little bit or just email me over the weekend. Professor Hemsworth will also be available to answer any potential questions you may have. You will find his email on the Boston University website. Thank you all, have a lovely weekend".

My daydreaming came to a stop as sudden soon as I had an elbow nudge my ribcage.


"Sorry Miss Drooly McDrool Face, but I just thought I'd let you know that class is finished for the day so maybe you might want to get up before Professor Evans comes and sees if you are ok. Oh, ok, maybe too late for that... See you at the house..."

I don't think I have ever gotten up for my seat so fast before, I swear that I nearly flew outside... Not only did my best friend just ditch me and leave me by myself in an empty study room with my crush, but he was coming my way with a devilish smirk on his face...

"Oh crap..." was all I could mutter to myself before his God-like body appeared in front of me.

Now I was in trouble... 

"Miss Patrick..." he started to say with the same smirk on his godly face, "...did you have a question you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh... no, sorry Professor, my friend just decided to not wait for me or help me pack my things away, I'm just a bit tired, that's all..." I said embarrassed, feeling the redness in my face crawling upwards throughout my heated face, blushing profusely.

"I noticed you seemed a bit out of the lessons, this past week or so especially, are you ok with what you're learning or do you need some one to one tutoring lessons after school with me maybe?" he questioned, without a doubt in the back of his mind, his confidence becoming more of a turn on now than normal.

Holy Crap! This is my fantasy coming true! What do I do now? Oh, for Goodness sake Y/N! Just speak to him! Say something... Say...

"That is a much appreciated offer to take up on Professor but I don't think you could help me this late into the year to get me a pass..." I laughed awkwardly, but thankfully he didn't notice.

Well done genius! You just blew your chance at having him now! 

"Oh but Miss Patrick, you mustn't give up hope until you have tried everything and I don't recall you asking for my help yet, so I am more than happy to help you get a good grade for the end of the year!" he stated with a smile that I swear crossed his face, ear to ear.

"If you're sure it's no trouble..." I asked him, innocently, trying to not stuff up my second chance.

"Of course not! I will make it mandatory for you to turn up Miss Patrick." he said in an almost demanding voice as he smiled before turning his back.

I followed him down the steps steadily, watching my feet as I walked down, making sure I didn't embarrass myself any more than what I already had.

"I'll meet you in here at around... 6?"

"That's perfect Professor, thank you so much" I said calmly, but inside I was over the moon, ecstatic with excitement!

We said a quick goodbye to each other and all I could do, as I walked back to the house I shared, was smile so much that I am pretty certain it was contagious to anyone who glanced at me for a slight second.

****** Time Skip ******

A few hours had passed and it was time to make myself look presentable enough to my cru... Professor! He's your Professor Y/N, nothing more, nothing else, just your Professor for Biology.

"Lara! I need help on what to wear!" I screamed from my closet to the other side of the house.

"What for? Where are you off at this time?" she spoke as she made her way to my room.

"I may have after school tutoring with..."

And before I could even finish my sentence, she practically screamed so the whole of the state could hear her.

"AHHHHHHHHH! OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD! You're having a date with your Professor who you have a MASSIVE crush on!"

"No. No. No. No. No. I have a study period after school with OUR professor about the topics of the human body... Ok, that came out wrong..." I laughed nervously at the end of my sentence. 

"See, you just admitted that you're having a sex date with him! Well, where are you going? Restaurant? Nightclub? Bar? Oh my god, you're going to his house aren't you?!" she excitably yelled in my face.

"No, I'm going to the classroom. So, what do I wear Lara and be quick at deciding cuz I have to leave in half an hour." I explained.

"Ooh. He has a teacher/student kink then, I'm already on sleep deprovision, waiting to hear all the details!"

"LARA! Focus. What do I wear?"

"Ok. Ok. Keep your pants on! Ermm... No... No... Yes... I'm liking this combo... What shoes go though?"

About 5 minutes later after deciding the shoes, I got changed into my outfit and put my hair into a messy bun and added a layer of lip gloss to make my glasses not stand out like usual when I put them on.

"Y/N, Oh my fucking god! You look stunning! He's going to die when he sees you!" she says with a sparkle of excitement in her eyes.

"Thank you, Lara! I love you!"

 "Go get him babe!" she said, smiley.

We both giggled a little before I took a steady walk back to the classroom. I was wearing a beige sweater that hung off one shoulder a bit with a black cami top underneath; black leggings with black flats on my feet; my brunette hair in a messy top bun with my thin layer of lip gloss glistening my lips and my black stand-out glasses that I only wore when my eyes were hurting, which I would normally only usually wear at the house but because I was tired, I knew my contacts would just annoy the crap out of me!

I was so excited for many reasons but the one that stands out above all was because I was spending after school hours with my hot, sexy professor all to myself and I couldn't wait! 

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