First tutoring lesson

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Walking down the oh-so familiar corridor, butterflies started creeping into my stomach, a tingling feeling running down my spine. At this rate we'd be learning how to control a panic attack rather than the energy transfers in and between organisms. My palms were sweaty and my breathing started to rise until I saw his calming figure crouching in front of me. What I didn't realise was that I was in a ball on the corridor floor with my legs acting like my only resource of composure, preventing me from becoming worse...

"Hey. Hey. Y/N. Look at me. Look straight at me, ok? Right here. I'm right here. It's ok." he softly spoke, the solace in his voice made me ease and feel better within a matter of seconds.

"I-I'm so sorry Professor, this is so embarrassing..." I suddenly said as I tried to get up from the cold floor.

"Hey, you don't need to apologise for this Y/N. It's something I go through as well as other people so don't ever apologise for it. If you want to reschedule..." he gently vocalised, realising my state of uncomfortableness with the situation that just happened but I stopped his words mid-sentence.

"No, no. I want to do the tutoring." I immediately said, not wanting to throw this opportunity again.

"Ok, well let's go then, he mentioned as we started to walk towards the dimly-lit classroom. As we arrived at the doorway, making small conversation as we strolled there, I saw that there was an extra chair, next to his, at his desk at the front of the room, possibly making it easier for him to re-teach me the topics. The only light that was shining, was the lamp on his desk, with a warm light covering the whole desk. We both walked over to the area and seated comfortably before starting the first tutoring lesson.

"Ok, so the first topic I will start of teaching you is Human Reproduction, is that ok?" he asked, sweetly gazing at me as he asked the question.

"Oh, um, yeah, of course." I managed to stumble out.

He looks away, with his signature devil smirk as he starts to explain slowly but thoroughly the foetal development and birthing progress stages.

"So, the next part of the topic is the male and female reproductive system." he started to state and everything else in the next couple of sentences was all mush in my brain because all I could think about was him demonstrating and showing me the parts of both male and female reproductive systems in person...

Get it together Y/N! Pay attention or he's going to know something's up... Oh crap and now he already has...

"Y/N? Are you paying attention?"

"Sorry Professor. I was and then I just got a little distracted but I'm back to earth now..." I said truthfully.

"What was distracting you?"

"Oh I-I was just thinking about something..."

"Well please enlighten me with what was making you so distracted." he firmly stated.

Oh Shit! Now what am I going to tell him. Oh yeah I was just imagining you showing me your dick and demonstrating the topics to me in person rather than just speaking the information and showing pictures on a screen.

"Ermmmm... I was just..." I couldn't think of what to say I was just fumbling all the words out of my mouth and as I did his devilish smirk grew bigger and bigger as if he knew what I wanted to say...

No. There was no way he felt the same way about me! No way. No chance.

"Shall we just focus on the learning now Miss Patrick and carry on from where we left."

"S-Sure" I breathed a silent breath of relief and he carried on.

"Shall I show you an example, Miss Patrick?"

"Yeah, why not, it might help" I said, unaware of his seductive manner of how he asked his previous question and what was about to happen. 

Sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I was having trouble trying to make it sound good and stop repeating similar words. I hope this ok...

WARNING! Next Chapter has SMUT!

Professor EvansNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ