•The Biginning•

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I am Grace Harriet,You sure want to know my Backstorie .I am Grace Harriet,I'm a Heretic.My Mother is dead, but my father is the devil.It's kind of a long story. My Mother was a Witch.When i was small i was a witch ,but i got turned by Rebekah Mikaelson. Why am i still a witch?My mum put a spell on so i can't loose my witch spell.Maybe you were wondering why i know Rebekah Mikealson, well that's a long story ,for that we have to go back to the 1800's.I was in Bar and she was there with her Brothers.

I just wanted to have a normal evening, but that didn't happen.So here's what happened:I went in and the two Mikaelson Brothers,Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson were very loud ,so i went up to them and said:,, Do you mind being quieter, some people are actually here to enjoy the music.,,Oh sorry sweetheart, are we offending you, said Nicklaus."I went away cause I didn't wanted trouble,Rebekah came up to me and apologises for her brothers.First i was a bit worried but then i accepted the apology ,and we talked I saw the other Brother staring at me.I ingnored it but i was kinda creeped out",,Who are your brothers?"i asked curios. ,,The one with brown hair is Elijah,he's the noble one.And the one with dark blonde hair is Nicklaus he's a beast,it's better if you'd just ignore him.",Rebekah said. I responded with a sigh and said,,just because he's the Original hybrid doesn't mean i must be scared of him ."She looks and me,then goes to her Brothers.I didn't know what they were talking about but 5 minutes after they walked up to me and Elijah said:,,From where do you know who we are?"I asked them to follow me outside so we could talk.,,I am a witch ,i can sense any kind of supernatural power!",i said. Klaus took on step towards me and said:,,But you are not going to hurt us ,love."I answered cold:,,Number one never call me love again and number 2 if you don't do anything stupid,I'm not going to hurt you."So you think yo can hurt us love, he asked curios." ,,Of course I can ,you don't want to know what I am capable of."He took a step forward and said ,,so do you , i could rip your head off in any minute."I let out a small chuckle and smirked,,I heard stories about you, the big bad Hybrid wanting to break his curse and is willing to kill anyone that gets in way,"and then I turned to Elijah and said,, and you are his brother ,the noble one you would to anything to keep your word except of the part where it comes to your family ,even if he puts you in coffins for decades you will follow him like a dog," sorry your kinda popular by us witches." Then i smiled a bit and said:,,Are you still looking for Katherine?"Rebekah asked me from where i know Katherine . I shrugged leaving three Originals speechless.

                                                              After 1 year  

Me and Bekah are best friends but I still don't like her brothers except of my best friend Kol Mikaelson  . 

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