Chapter 7

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"I was at the Training Center....alone. It was a long afternoon in the office so, after I knocked out a few assignments, I decided to take a walk to loosen up. While I was walking, I saw the door to the Fitness Room open so, with my curiosity, I walked through. A few paces down, there was another door open...and this doorway led to the showers. There was a huge amount of steam coming out and I heard the shower water going. A part of me kept saying to go back yet I wind up listening to the part that said to follow the sound. As I kept waling through the Showers and Steam Room, I heard a deep and seductive voice call out. "Hello? Anyone else in here?" I really got curious about who was also in here. I locked on to the voice and went in that direction. There was one room opened so I went in. When the steam cleared, I was a happy as a Leprechaun finding a huge pot at the end of a rainbow...."

CRAP! The dang alarm clock! I don't know either to break it or be thankful that it did go off. Ah well, I've got to get this day started.

Once I arrived at the office and did the usual morning greetings, I checked on the email in regards to the progress on the additions to the Center in South Tampa. Great news so far. Frank Styles, one of the foreman, even sent us thanks for the treats and things that I had Simone sent to him and his staff. Whoever said that flattery doesn't get you anywhere told the world a HUGE lie. As I was on my way to get some coffee, my senses perked up just a bit. For some reason, I was able to ease a bit. After I grabbed my coffee, I noticed that there was an area where the lights were out. I was wondering if anyone was back there or if anything was going to be done about it. Just as I was turning around and heading back to the office, I heard a deep and sexy voice say something. "Hello Sophia. I had a feeling that you would be here." When I focused my eyes, I saw the most seductive bluish grey eyes that were ever created. These eyes were natural, no contacts whatsoever. "Oh really? Just out of sheer curiosity, how did you know it was me?" I asked with a bit of sarcasm in my voice . Before he responded, he came closer to me. Although it was dark, I had a feeling he closed the distance between he and I because my heart started to race, I heard him let out a low hearty laugh along with a deep growl and he stroked my cheek so softly that I really didn't want him to stop. I also smelled his cologne, which was Creed. "I knew it was you. You always release an unforgettable scent of beautiful..." I closed my eyes as he stroked my cheek again. As much as I thought that I had to tear myself away from Roman, I was losing myself in this fight. As much as I was reallyand truly enjoying this, I had a feeling that we were not alone...and I was right. "Rome, who's this: friend or foe?" the voice asked. Roman pulled me closer to him. "Definitely a friend. No worries." I couldn't see much so I had to really rely on my other senses as well this man. Once the lights started to flicker on and off, I secretly wanted to find a way to turn them off. While we were standing there, I saw another guy dressed in all black from head to toe yet what was different was that he had half of his hair in a nice shade of blonde. Nice twist I said to myself. "Seth, this is Sophia. Sophia, my brother Seth." I gave a smile to Seth. "Nice to meet you." "Great to meet you as well." While were exchanging hellos, another guy in all black came up to gathering. "Fellas, we've got to....well, hello. Rome, is this the lady you've been moaning about at night?" I heard a low growl from the PowerHouse in regards to that question. I'm guessing that was something not to be discussed outside the crew. "Sophia, my other brother Dean. Dean, this is Sophia." After we greeted each other, Dean reminded the others that they had to hit the gym. "Well, duty calls. See you around Sophia." "No problem, take care." As Roman slowly released his grip around me, I wanted to pull him closer. He and I locked eyes longer than usual. Right before he released me, he gave a sexy side smile and a wink and caught up with the others. Bah gah, what I wouldn't give to be a fly on that wall;)

During the day, I was in constant contact with Styles and company and the additions. Everything sounded and looked great down there. Depending upon my schedule and the progress, I may take a trip down there to really see everything. I also got word from Vince that he was head over heels in approval of my idea for the "Pick Your Poison" purfume collection. While I was creating that line, I also thought about creating a "Four Queens" purfume set. Once I have that thought process well thought out, I'll present it. He even wants me to see if I can spin and create a "Pick Your Poison" cologne collection. Let me see what this lovely mind of mine can cook up!

While I was sitting at my computer, my cheek started to get warm. It was the same cheek that Roman stroked so softly and passionately. My mind drifted back to this morning: in the darkness...yet so warming:) Ok, I've got to get a grip here: this sexy specimen can have ANY woman he wants, I didn't come back here to find another lover and he's an employee while I'm ONE of his bosses. Easy to say...convince my heart to believe all (if any) of what I just said.

Just as I stepped out of my office to pick up some more paperwork, the wanna be popular guy came up to me again. Was this joker for real? I had to brace myself for some more of his craziness. "Hi there...again. What's up?" I asked him. He even had the balls to get in my space. "Well, I was wondering if you thought about my offer. You know, letting me keep you happy while we were on the road..." "Whoa, back up. First, who the deuce are you?" "Well, I'm the unforgettable Brad Maddox but you can call Mr. Maddox if you're nasty." Wait a dang minute, did he try to go Janet Jackson on me? Is he really standing in front of me trying to run his weak game? Really now? I had to really work to supress my laugh. "Well, Mr. Maddox...from what I've heard about you, it seems that you don't even have enough equipment to warm up a dead cat! So, run along and find someone else to TRY to love on." Welp, this went another notch south because this clown had the nerve to put his hand on this Queen. One huge NO NO! "Now see, why don't we just come together and..." before he could say another word or I can knee him in the nuts, one huge unsuspected wild card came outta nowhere and it came in the form of a revved up, six-foot-three PowerHouse and he was not happy. He growled and grabbed Maddox by the back of his shirt and slammed him into the wall. He switched the position of his hand to get a better grip on him. I could tell Maddox felt every inch of that slam. "Sophia, was this guy giving you any problems?" He asked without taking his eyes off of Brad. "I don't think he was...were you Brad? " Maddox, looking as if he was mentally saying his final goodbyes to this world, replied "N-Nope. Not at all. Please call him off. Call this Hound off." I walked over to Roman and placed my hand on his chest to soothe him. "Roman, please let him go. He's not worth all." "Look here, I'm going to do what this lovely lady's asking me to do. If I catch you even two inches near her, your ass is grass!" He dropped him like the bag of trash that he is. I almost felt bad for him....ALMOST. While Maddox crawled away, Roman looked at me with a fire in his eyes. "You sure you're okay?" After what I just saw, I had to breathe to slow MY heart rate down. "Mmmhmm, I truly am. Thank you." He left just as quick as he came. I stood there with so many emotions going through and around me.

After calming myself down, collecting my nerves, and getting back to work, I got a call from Simone informing me that a limo was coming to get me in ten minutes or less. This really had my nerves on high alert. "Umm, Simone, are you sure you have that right? For me?" "Yes, ma'am. According to the message I just received, you have an unscheduled meeting for this afternoon over lunch. The limo will be here shortly." "Does it say who the meeting will be with and what it will cover?" "Well, no ma'am. By the way, that's no to both questions." "Okay, thank you. I'm coming out right now." Right before I got in the limo, I had to whisper a prayer to brace myself for whatever is going to happen next. Thank goodness I come from a family of strong nerved folks...I would've ran for the hills!

Although the Fall weather's on its way in, the weather was still lovely and warm. I rolled down the limo's window and enjoyed the air hitting my face and going through my hair. No matter how old I get or how many limos I get into, it always make me feel like a little girl riding in my first limo. The limo stopped at this lovely restaurant called Danteannas. The food must be worth the money because the line was long and the place was about full. Once I got inside, I found the Hostess. "Excuse me, this may sound crazy but I am to meet someone here yet..." I had to jump back a bit because Holly the Hostess squeeled. "Oh no ma'am. Your guest is already here...waiting on you. I'll show you to the table." She excused herself from the podium, grabbed someone else to stand there, grabbed a menu and asked me to follow her. The area that she led me to was lovely. It was on the balcony overlooking some nearby condos, houses, a few highrises. It also gave a lovely view of Downtown Stamford as well as the city's skyline. After I thanked Holly and she placed my menu on the table, she went back to her station while I took in the view. I even took some pics with my phone. After I took my last picture, I stood there taking in the view. No matter how successful I become, I still can't believe that I'm here.... a little girl from the Crescent City to being here...there...everywhere. I love these quiet moments that I can have to myself. They come so far and few in between.

As I inhaled all of the wonderful things things and scents around me, I was just simply...happy. "I swear I just love the view. So beautiful..." "You can say that again my dear..." the voice replied from behind me. In an instant, my high was gone and the nerves were frazzled again. I turned around slowly and all of the questions were answered...

Give Your Heart A Break: Roman and Sophia's Friendship StoryWhere stories live. Discover now