Chapter 9

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...I was grinning as wide as a Leprechaun finding a huge pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. He was sitting on a bench, his hair loose was loose, wet and sticking to his lovely skin. His bedroom grey eyes were even more enticing, and that side smirk of his was the perfect icing on a sweet Samoan cake. My body heat was adding to the heat that was already in the room. I took my shoes off so I could grip the floor better and took the hair chopsticks out of my hair. My eyes instantly locked on to his and grinned big. "Well hello there. Anyone else in here with you darlin'?" "Well Sweetpea, it's just you and I. Everyone else left a while ago." " that right?" "Indeed it is babygirl." The more he spoke, the more I got turned on...."

CRAP! The freaking alarm clock! Will I ever finish this steamy dream and fantasy? Only time will tell.

Anyway, today's an awesome day: it's the WWE and Playboy collaboration photoshoot. Earlier in the week, we all got together and picked out our scenarios and outfits. Brie changed her mind and we squeezed in Alicia Fox, which was just as good. We even added the guys to have a photoshoot session and their pics will be in a special Playgirl edition. When the news of the collaborations went viral, folks overflooded the website, our Twitter pages asking about the location of the photoshoot, etc. It was sheer bananas! Everyone that was a part of the shoot was really looking forward to seeing the end results...even some of those who were against the idea. After getting a shower and breakfast, I grabbed my coffee and bag and happily headed out the door. We all agreed to carpool to the photoshoot location after arriving at the office.

When I arrived at the office, the mood around the company was upbeat. I'm thinking that just about everyone was looking forward to the project. I looked my office over real quick to make sure everything was still in order. While waiting around in the garage, I saw this lovely truck: black on black, leather interior, Ford F-150. I couldn't help but to grin and sneak to take a look around. I swear my curiosity always get the best of me at the worst times. Just as I was peering around, I heard this voice that both startled and excited me at the same time. "Good morning. Hope you like the view." I slowly focused my eyes onto the reflection that was in the window. Since the sun was out and a nice amount of it was caught on window, you could really see (and appreciate) the view. His grey eyes sparkled while looking at me. His smile really made my heart skip a few beats and I couldn't help but to grin a bit. "Oh yes. I definitely love the view." I don't know which view I loved more: the truck or Roman. As I turned around to face him, my blood was boiling over and I felt warm all over. After we exchanged pleasantries, he asked if I had a ride to photoshoot location. Once I told him no, he was so sweet to offer a ride. At first, I hesitated at his offer yet I figured that it would be no harm in that. So, after I ageed to it, he was a gentleman: opened the door for me, made sure I was okay, and I even bent over to unlock the driver's door for him. After we got situated, we were on the road. The ride there was nothing less than incredibly wonderful. The truck purred like a kitten, it went smoothly over the bumps and lumps of the road and the conversation between us was great. I was really glad that I took the offer.

When we arrived at the photoshoot location, a lot of folks were getting the sets together, handling last minute details everything. After I checked in with Philip Iaams, I sent a text message to everyone to find their respective locations. Some of them were not that far away from the location. Since some of us were there, we decided to eat something light and get ready to take the photos. While Roman and I ate and continued our conversation from the drive, Dwayne came and sat at our table. "Morning you two. What's going on over here?" he asked while staring at me. "Nothing much actually. We're just having fun chatting." I replied. I saw this glare with a hint of anger from Roman's eyes yet he was really trying to be cool. I was really curious about these two. "You okay Rome? Didn't mean to break up the convo." Dwayne told him. "Not at all. It's all good...really it is." Roman replied. You could tell that he was trying to really keep it decent. I had to try to break up the mood so I changed the subject. "So Dwayne, are you ready for Miami? The crowd will expect to see their Golden Boy there." While I was talking to Dwayne, I placed my hand on Roman's thigh to help keep him cool. Yet, it turned me on in the process. It felt so manly. "Of course I'm ready Sophia. I can't wait-" Just as he was going to continue, his phone rung. Thank God for that. "Excuse me, I've got to get this." After he answered the phone, Roman and I continued to enjoy ourselves. A short time later, the rest of the crew arrived and we were ready to take these shots. There was a wide variety of styles we could use. For my pics, I chose a Britney Spears inspired shot with myself in the tub full of diamonds and emeralds, a shot with me on the ground covered in leaves of different colors and the last one would be a black and white pic of myself in the bed with just a cover over me. Hey, I love to push the envelope. I told my family about the shoot. They were not that happy with the idea yet I will try to make it sexy yet tasteful. While we were getting ready, they decided they wanted to do the males photoshoot first. Thr guys would be taking some test shots for a special Playgirl edition. Everyone was cool and we were ready to rock and roll. They decided to go with Roman first. Of course, the ladies were more than ready to see this:) If Roman was nervous, he surely didn't show it.

As Roman approached the rustic barn setup, he looked breathtaking. Wearing nothing but a ponytail, a black cowboy hat in his hand, a pair of jeans and some slide on shoes, we were really ready to see him get up close and personal with the camera. Sandra, the photographer, had to get herself together. The shots were screaming sex appeal: posing without the hat, standing against the barn wall tilting his hat to see his smile and eyes, loosening his hair and seductively playing with the top part of his jeans. Then they really kicked things into high gear when they wet his hair and chest and took the same pics. The water just made everything on his body stand out. Just as we thought it was really went cray cray because they asked him to remove the jeans. I wanted to risk it and take some personal pics of him yet I had to keep cool. I also noticed that he didn't have any underwear on. He was dripping wet from head to toe. His arm length tattoo was mouthwatering. I heard Sandra whisper "My God" under her breath. He used the hat to cover his face while in another shot, he used the same hand to cover his private area. He used one hand to hold his hat in place while putting the other hand behind his head. I hope he didn't notice me staring at that third long, huge, and thick arm hanging between his legs. He had that sexy and naughty side smile and it was just the sweetest cherry on top. Once Sandra said "That's a wrap!", we were all kicking ourselves. We wanted to see more of this specimen. For once, God and the Devil actually got something right: a man with a heart of gold, great morals, and dangerously delicious great looks. As he was straighten himself up, he caught me looking at his package again and gave me a wink and a side smile as he walked outta sight. My legs turned to jello just thinking about that...and I was sitting down.

Whoa, wait! Was he just flirting with me? Am I truly flirting with a hint of excitement and curiosity here? ...

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