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It's finally happening after all these years of hard work and preparation. I know it's super basic but I'm just super excited that I can finally move to SK for at least a year.

For the past 4 years I've been studying korean and been an education major at my college.My parents are korean but they wanted me to learn English and have no problems speaking it so it took me a while to learn it. Im ready to start my new life.

"My baby! Today's the day! You're moving without us. You grew up so fast" my mother sobbed while nuzzling her head into my chest.

         Ma! Im gonna be fine. Plus I won't be there forever!" I told her while running my       fingers through her hair.

"I know I know but it's gonna be so long and I'm gonna be so lonely without you! Plus what if you find your soulmate!!"

Soulmate? Yeah right. I wish I had one...

"Not happening plus Mom you've got dad and Jaemin!"

Jaemin came out of his room for once and stared at mom.

"Mom you do remember I'm your son too right?"

"Hush! You know the bond between a mother and her daughter is like none other!" she retorted while holding my head.

"I've gotta go! My flight is really soon!"

I quickly gave Jaemin a tight hug and gave my mom a kiss and ran. I already said goodbye to my dad earlier since he needed to go to work early. They couldn't join me in Korea since they both have full time jobs and need to stay with my brother while he finishes high school.

As I stepped out of the plane I could feel the shift in the air. I was no longer in the US.

This is the best feeling in the world. As much as I loved my hometown, I just wanted to explore and enjoy this new place where my grandparents lived.

"Grandma! I just landed! I'll get a taxi to your place. I'll be there soon"

"That's alright my Ara! Be careful and don't forget to always be aware of anyone who's around you. You never know they might be your soulmate!"

"Yeah right grandma. My soulmate probably doesn't even exist. I think soulmate-less"

"Don't think that way. Everyone has a soulmate. It's the reason you're living right now. I thought the same thing until I met grandpa. We were meant to be."

"I believe that you guys are soulmates but I don't know about me."

"You have one trust me. And when you meet him... you guys cant live apart from each other"

"I'll trust you on that one. Bye grandma. I'll see you soon!"

"Bye my baby."

I was feeling a bit jet lagged after that long flight. I just wanted to get home and sleep until I can't any longer.

As I walked towards the exit I noticed a bunch of people in a group waiting on the side. I tried reading their signs.

"Welcome Lee Taeyong! We love you!!"

Lee Taeyong? I've heard about him. He's some sort of superstar? I'm glad he has a nice fan base.

I looked down at my hands to see a strange red string on my right finger.

What the- who tied this to me???

Suddenly, I remembered the conversation my mom and I had before I left.

"Sweet heart. Don't you forget that if you see a red string appear, that means your soulmate is very close to you. That string connects to him."

No way... my soulmate?

I walked past the group of fans, entranced in the conversation my mother and I had before I left.

Soulmate? No way. That just doesn't exist. Who's dumb enough to fall for that.

The fans chanting grew louder and louder out of no where.

"Lee Taeyong! Lee Taeyong!"

I continued walking until I felt the string get tighter on my finger. It started to hurt.

I felt my hand being pulled behind me.

Shoot why is it getting tighter? Is the person behind me seriously my soulmate? They exist???

I tried running because I was NOT gonna have my first meeting with my soulmate be at an airport where I'm looking like I just woke up.

I pulled up my hood and kept walking until the string got too tight.

I gave in and was about to turn around. Something in me told me I had to. My brain was telling me to run though my heart yearned for the person behind me.

Suddenly the string became extremely taught which made me fling backwards into someone.




Our eyes meet. My hearts beating out of my chest. His hands wrapped around my waist. I turned around.
I cant believe it. My eyes followed the string that was wrapped around my fingers to the beautiful eyes of the guy I had never met.. but felt like I knew forever. His big brown eyes shined in the airport lighting. His shiny black hair covered a part of his left eye.
I tried scanning his emotions. He seemed to be shocked? Surprised?
I've never seen him before.
I suddenly had the urge to look down at my hand. The string was gone but it was replaced with a name engraved around my finger.

Lee Taeyong?

Tied Together | Lee Taeyong Where stories live. Discover now