✨ You meet Part 1

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You run through the halls,  Starbucks drinks in your arms, stopping every once in a while to open doors with your keycard. You blaze through the halls powered by caffeine and lack of sleep. And you fall flat on your face. 

In the middle of the hallway laid a deus ex machina, which you had stepped on and unfortunately tripped on, spilling your Starbucks drink. 

"Are you ok?", Sarah asks as she comes around the corner. You shrug off the coffee, flowing through your slick black hair now streaked with caramel highlights.

"Yeah I guess."

"Come on! We've got the clean up the facility this morning. Apparently we're having some VIPatients coming today."

You make your way through the hall, trailing Sarah as she breezes through the facility.


"Hey, I think that's them!" You and Sarah have your faces pressed against the 3rd story window, squinting at the ground where black SUVs are coming down the street, presumably carrying your VIPatients.

As the SUV rolls to a stop, the driver pops out and lends an arm to a hoodied guy coming out of the car, your VIPatient. The people go into the building and you and Sarah move away from the window.

You feel a buzz in your pants as you get a text. It's a picture the receptionist sent you.

'It's him!! Chris Redfield!!! I was like 4 feet from him,' the text reads

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'It's him!! Chris Redfield!!! I was like 4 feet from him,' the text reads. You show Sarah, and she growls.

"Mama likey. But for real though, I f*cking have a poster of him on my wall." You've seen Chris from posts by fans on the internet, but seeing a real picture of him, knowing that he is in the same building as you, awakens something in you.

You text Wendy back, "What's Chris in here for?"

The typing indicator pops up and then fades. "He broke his arm on his last mission and he's here for physical therapy. 😘 All your's"

Sarah lets out a squeal as she reads this from over your shoulder. "I can't believe Chris is coming to OUR department. This is a f*cking dream come true." She lightly punches your shoulder, "I call dibs by the way."

"That's not how it works."

"Please? I'll treat you to Hooter's."

"Ok, you know what? Let's flip a coin. I call heads."

A voice booms behind you. "Heads, you say?" You turn around, as Chris Redfield pulls out a coin. He tosses a coin into the air and it lands under the table. 

You and Sarah head for the coin, but Chris steps in. "Nuh uh uh. No cheating." He lifts up the table with his good arm, with a full computer and printer on it and picks up the coin. You and Sarah are just staring as this man is literally flexing in front of you guys.

"Heads!" Chris announces as he sets the table down. He winks at Sarah. "Maybe next time."


WIP maybe it'll be updated today, maybe this week, maybe never


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