Chapter 3: The Inter-Dimensional Trucker

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I kinda did try hard on this chapter, had a rough time writing it so really sorry for its poor quality. Feedback and improvements would be nice as always :)

"You need a ride?"

Dipper, sure he had been alone, span his head around to the noise quickly, scrubbing the tear from his eye. At first, he could not see where the voice had came from, and thought he had imagined it.

"Look up."

Jumping at it's sudden reappearance, the male snapped his head upwards. There, hovering above his head, was a colourful van. Through the metal, he could hear a faint tune of music from within. In the front, a pink alien being was poking his head out, cap covering most of his face.

"Sorry, you looked a little lost – say the word and I'll stop bothering you." The trucker said. Dipper shook his head quickly, swallowing.

"No, no. I am lost." He stared around him hopelessly, giving a sigh. "A ride would be great, thanks."

He supposed that wherever this trucker was taking him could give him more of a chance of making it back to his dimension, if even that was still a possibility. With a sinking feeling in his gut, he reminded himself that it took Ford thirty years to make it out, and that was only with external help.

"You getting in?" The trucker's question pulled him out of doomed thoughts. Without realising, he had pulled up next to him.

Dipper mutely nodded, stepping inside the truck. Music greeted him immediately in a loud wave, making him wince. Seeing his discomfort, the trucker reached across the messy dashboard and turned down the volume. Dipper slumped into the chair next to him, staring out of the window as they began to move. The truck rattled almost continuously, and usually he would be panicking at the lack of safety measures in the vehicle.

It didn't even cross his mind.

"No offence, but you look real down, man." The trucker said, staring at him out of the corner of his eye. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen a human here in a while."

"I was dragged down here." Dipper replied quietly. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. "Is that normal?" He asked.

"Hmm." The trucker thought, drumming the steering wheel. "Not really. Not at all."

Dipper sighed, slumping.

"So you don't know how I would be able to  get back?" He asked dully.

"I might." The trucker said unexpectedly. Dipper looked at him in shock, and he shrugged. "Describe."


"What happened. Describe it to me." The trucker clarified, turning off the music.

"Well, I was just walking in the woods, and I got pulled down by a rift." Dipper began. The driver gestured him to continue. "And then...then I was falling. These arms dragged me in, you see..."

"Arms?" The trucker clarified. Dipper nodded.

"Yeah...then everything was white and red...nothing was there...and..." Dipper looked down at his hands, shivering at the memory. "...I was a television screen...and then the ground kinda broke, and I fell into a place that was where I came from, but wasn't." Dipper finished quietly. "And now I'm here."

He didn't mention the singing, or the piano keys that had surrounded him. He pushed it to the back of his mind, and planned for it to stay there.

"You fell into a multiverse, it sounds like." The trucker said. However, he frowned, furrowing his eyebrows. "But not quite. You went somewhere else first. When you were falling. Where you were dragged into."

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