Chapter Eight: Kiamo Ko (Part 1)

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The next day went by faster than Lirya would like. Before they knew it, the sun was going down. Lirya began to get nervous, this is going to be the first time her mother has stepped foot in Oz in years. Her mother's safety is her top priority, if anything bad happens, she will use all her magic to get her mother out. Lirya was sitting on her bed and when Saskia barged in.

"You ready?" Saskia said.

Lirya nodded and the two made their way to the front of the school. Doctor Dillimond was there waiting and he had a bag on his shoulder. Lirya had been practicing a travel spell to make it easier for them. If she does it right, then they should come out closer to the castle.

"Miss. Lirya are you ready?" Doctor Dillimond asked.

Lirya nodded and began to chant a incantation. A small gate or dark light appeared in front of them. The three walked through and the castle came into view.

"You did it!" Saskia said.

"Don't get too excited, we still have a large castle to climb." Lirya said.

Doctor Dillimond led the way and they entered the old building. The slowly made their way up and by the time they got the top Saskia was so tired. The goat pulled out a container of water from his bag.

"Always go prepared, no matter the location." The Doctor said while offering her water.

"Be sure not to have that out for long." Lirya said.

They made their way to the room her mother told her to go to. It was pitch black, Lirya whispered something and the candles in the room burst into flames. The sound of a door closing scared Saskia. Before she realized it, Saskia was holding onto Lirya's arm.

"It's ok, its just the trap door." Lirya said quietly.

"This place is creepy. I don't like it." Saskia said.

"Do you hear that?" The goat asked.

There were footsteps coming from somewhere in the room. Lirya closed her eyes and focused as she slowly spun around the room.

"What are you doing?" Saskia asked.

"Shhh." Lirya said before

Saskia held onto her roommate and the headmaster had his arms around the two students ready to protect them. Lirya suddenly stopped and smiled.

"Well done." A voice said from the shadows.

Doctor Dillimond recognized the voice the second he heard it and a smile grew on his face. Lirya took a few steps and Saskia stayed behind her. A woman slowly came out from the shadows and had a small smile on her face. The woman was tall and had green piercing eyes. Lirya ran into the woman's arms and the woman closed her arms.

"I've missed mother." Lirya said with tears running down her cheek. 

The woman lifted Lirya's head and whiped the tears, "There is no need for that, I didn't bring any burn oils. I have missed you as well, my dear." The woman looked at the other two and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Doctor Dillimond? Is that really you?" The woman asked.

The goat wiped his eyes and approached the two, "Miss. Elphaba, it is so good to see you." He reached out one of his hooves. Elphaba put it down and hugged him instead.

"I'm glad to see and hear you again." Elphaba said, "This must be..." She pointed out while she glanced down at her daughter. Saskia was frozen in place, Lirya noticed and ran over to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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