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Hello everyone and welcome to the first ever Imagination Awards! I've created this awards book that I'll be doing every single year on this day (unless of course I run into some minor technical or personal difficulties)

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Hello everyone and welcome to the first ever Imagination Awards! I've created this awards book that I'll be doing every single year on this day (unless of course I run into some minor technical or personal difficulties).

Before I get into the good stuff about this award contest, I would like to tell you about a thing called the Imagination Chronicles. You can check it out on my profile page. The Imagination Chronicles is where you'll find the results of everything snd news for the Imagination Chronicles! Currently we have participation stickers on there and a list of everything that will come in the Imagination Chronicles.

I would also quickly like to mention that if you want to exit out of the contest for any reason, please send me a PM and tell me why you would like to exit out of the contest. It's likely that I'll understand and then you can exit out of the contest.

Now the Imagination Awards may be a little bit different than all the other award books you'll find on Wattpad. That is because here we have different awards inside of an awards book! Alright, that may not sound unique yet, but just turn the page if you're curios or interested! You'll find out as you go along. Have fun and I hope to see you soon. Now have a nice day and go ahead and turn to the next page!

Imagination Awards 2021 (OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now