Participant's Form

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(You can enter more than one book as long as they are in different genres. The maximum book entries you can have is five. Also, no books with sexual activities in them are allowed. Your book must at least have five chapters to enter unless it is a short story or a poem. Ongoing and complete books are allowed to enter, even ongoing books that are on hiatus. If fanfiction books are based off of a fictional work that neither I nor the judges know of, then they will also not be accepted. Here at Imagination Awards, we believe that age does not matter when it comes to the talent of creative writing. Because of that, we accept books from authors of any age!)

PARTICIPANT'S FORM:Username:Book title:Book genre/award type:Sub-genre (what genre your book could also be put as if the main genre is full):Book description:# of chapters:What fandom is the book in? (only if the book is fanfiction):Rules followed...

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Book title:
Book genre/award type:
Sub-genre (what genre your book could also be put as if the main genre is full):
Book description:
# of chapters:
What fandom is the book in? (only if the book is fanfiction):
Rules followed?:
Tags (at least four):

Currently, we are not accepting the following genres:
- N/A (we are still accepting all genres, but still hurry on in quickly!)

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