Chapter 5 hurt

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Dave's POV

Where the heck is she? I walked down the street about two blocks and then decided to walk the other way. There isn't any stores around where I am, so Anissa must be out in the open somewhere. I call out her name and get no reply. I am growing more frustrated by the minute.

Damn it, where is she?

I call the school to see if Anissa returned there, and was told she has not. My original thought was this child is in severe trouble, she knows there are a few rules that she should never disobey, and taking off without permission is one of them. As I continue walking, and not seeing her my frustration starts turning into nervousness.

Anissa is only 10 years old, and in a new place where she hasn't had a chance to get to know anyone yet. I pick up my pace hoping to see her at any minute. The sidewalks don't have any activity on them, which makes me feel uneasy. My nervousness is now going straight into a panic

I try to call her phone again, hoping she will answer this time, as it's ringing a huge dog comes running out of an alley at me. I love dogs but this one looks mean. The dog stops at my feet and looks up at me, he isn't barking or growling, just staring at me. I walk around the dog and try to continue on my way. The dog runs in front of me and sits at my feet. I don't have time for the dog I had to find anissa. I again walk around the dog, he runs in front of me but this time barks like he is getting upset.

I stand there for a second and watch as the dog runs around me twice then barks again. I try to step forward and the dog jumps placing two paws on me. I nicely put the dog down and he runs to an alley behind me. I try to ignore him and step forward, but the dog came running at me again.

Maybe he wants me to see something down the alley, I thought. I turned around and the dog walked a little further down the alley. I wasn't sure if I was wasting my time, so I went to turn around and the dog barked. The dog definitely wanted me to follow him. I started walking faster and the dog sprinted ahead. I saw a fence in the middle of the alley way and figured it was a dead end.

I couldn't spend all day following a dog in an alley. I turned around and the dog starting barking at me. I turned to the dog and caught a glimpse of some sort of fabric hanging from the fence. The dog was looking at the fabric, while barking and whining. I continued toward the fence now curious about what the dog sees. When I got close enough to the fence my heart raced. I saw Anissa hanging upside down by her leg on the fence. I ran as fast as I could

Anissa!, Anissa!

She was just hanging there with her eyes shut, her leg was gashed badly. I saw blood rushing down her leg. I quickly climbed the fence and unhooked her leg. I grabbed ahold of her other leg and pulled her high enough to grab her waist. I then cradled her into my chest, while climbing back down the fence.

Anissa? Anissa?

She was unconscious and her body was limp. I ran back down the street with her in my arms. I got back to the parking lot and carefully placed her into the back seat. I must of drove 100 miles per hour to get to the hospital. I carried Anissa into the hospital and right up to a nurse. She was asking me tons of questions, but I just wanted to get Anissa to a doctor. I don't know if it was the commotion of the nurse yelling at me that I needed  to answer her questions, or it was me telling the nurse to get a damn doctor, but a doctor approached me asking if he could help. I quickly explained what I knew happened.

The doctor took Anissa from me and walked into a room. I started following the doctor when that same nurse grabbed my arm. She was really pissed and told me I couldn't go with the doctor until I filled out the paperwork.

Screw that, I shrugged my arm out of her hand and entered the room the doctor walked into with Anissa. The nurse walked into the room behind me still complaining about the paperwork. I told her I would fill it all out when my daughter was taken care of.

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