Chapter 6 Double injury

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Dave's POV

I had a talk with Anissa on the ride home from the hospital. I try to get her to understand how serious I am about her running off. Watching my child lay in a hospital bed needing to go into an operating room all because she disobeyed me, makes me livid.

We get home and I put Anissa on the couch and grab a pillow for her leg. I know she is very sore and I am trying to remember she just went through a scary experience, but my mind won't stop questioning me. What if something serious had happened and I couldn't get to her? What if she does it again? What if someone picked her up while she was alone? I couldn't just let it go, I have to reiterate that she can't run off on her own. She had a lot of freedom when she lived with her mother, to much freedom in my opinion. It was easier for Emily just to give up then to deal with how anissa was behaving. Emily didn't want to take any responsibility for Anissas behavior and just let her run wild.

I go to the kitchen to get a drink and continue arguing with myself over how I should handle the situation. When I first left the school and saw Anissa was missing, I was angry and had my mind made up that she was going to get a spanking. The more time it took me to find her, I was scared and just wanted to hold her in my arms and never let go. After seeing her injured and hurting I felt guilt for not being able to get to her fast enough. It's amazing how emotions can change in seconds.

Now watching her laying on the couch I feel twisted between relieved and angry that she put herself in that position to begin with. I never been so scared, I never want that feeling again. I know she should be punished but part of me won't stop thinking that she has been punished enough because of her leg.

It didn't help that once I got home and got Anissa all set up on the couch, Emily called me. She seemed so smug that Anissa took off like she always did at her house. She even told me she was surprised Anissa didn't do it sooner. I let her know it wouldn't happen again and she just laughed. Her words to me were "keep telling yourself that, to make yourself feel better. Anissa will take off in probably less then a day. Just brace yourself, she does what she wants". She pissed me off with her comments and Steve was in the background yelling about how it's a daily occurrence for Anissa.

I convinced myself that she didn't need a spanking, after all she been through today, she doesn't need more soreness. I have giving her a hard spanking in the past once and that was after she spit in my face and swore at me. I will talk to her again and inform her that this will not happen again.

Anissa, we need to talk

Daddy again? She rolled her eyes

Yes again, this is serious

I told you I won't do it again

"I won't do it again"  I'm telling you those are the most favorite words from kids.

Anissa, I just want you to realize this isn't something you can just push away. Whenever you want, you just leave, and I am worried your going to keep doing it

Daddy it's not that big of a deal, I do it all the time

That's where you are wrong, it is a big deal and the more you say it isn't the more I feel your going to continue this disobedience.

I really am trying to remember she has been through a lot today, but the more we talk the more I can see she doesn't care about how big of a deal this is. Even after her injury she still thinks it's okay to run off on her own. I need to get through to her

Why are you freaking out, I just went for a walk?

And now your laying here with 18 stitches in your leg

That's because I was trying to help some kittens not because I disobeyed.

If you didn't disobey would this of happened?

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