chaper 3

28 2 0

Okie so im gonna get a litte more serious on this one 🤪 oh all so ime skip just a week
Right now im taking Alicia her afternoon tea (dont told her i called her that).I've kinda got use to everything around here, tho her daughters think im the crazy one for not being scared that they turn in to bugs. I mean have they seen their mother that woman is tall af.

" Pet you've been standing at my door for 5 minutes are you going to enter? "

She said through the door. Oh yeah she's calling me pet now I almost came and im pretty sure she know cause of the small smirk she had. Anygays I enter the room and set the tray on her desk away from her papers of course.

" Sorry my lady I was in my thoughts "

" They must have be intriguing thoughts then right pet "

" eh they were alrighttttt "

" You still have that sharp tongue I see "

" Its one of my best features "

" I beg to differ, make my tea pet "

" Yes my lady... what do you think my best feature is then my lady "

" You'll know in do time pet "

" I hope I will, here's you tea my lady "

" Than- "

The phone starts to ring.


" Well seems like I have a call, shoo pet go clean my room and make sure my bath is ready tonight. "

" Yes lady "

I exit out of the room and walk down the hall to her chambers.

" Yeah she definitely likes me "

I DON'T KNOW WHAT SCENT OF BUBBLES TO PU- oh Ill just put in lavender. Never mind everythings ok Houston we do not have a problem.

" Pet I hope you've finished my bath "

" I did my lady. Do you want me to get your wipes and night gown ready? "

" Yes pet I would like that very much make sure to bring my towel too "

" Yes my lady "

" I don't understand why you wear makeup my lady you have natural beauty "

" Are you trying to flirt with me pet? " She says as she looks at me from the mirror mid wipe of her makeup

" No my lady im just simply telling the truth " I say shrugging walk to her bed to pull her covers back.

" You are a mystery pet "

" Am I one that you need to solve my lady? "

" Yes my pet one that I need to solve quickly " She says laying in her bed

" Well my lady I wish you the best of luck with it, good night Alicia " I say with a smile as i close the door.

Yeah I'm definitely in love
Bye stay safe in till next time

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