chaper 4

23 2 0

The next morning 😁

I don't think I'll ever get use to waking up at 5 o'clock but im gonna have to. I make my way to lady dimitrescu room from the kitchen with her morning tea. I quickly open and close her door and set the tray on her bed side table next to her and go to open her curtains, in till im grabbed from behind and pulled on to her bed in her arms with my head in-between her breast.

" Ummmm my lady what are you doing " my muffled voice says

" Your warm. " Is all she said before I heard her breathing calm down

Welp looks like im stuck here, if I die here I will die happy.I
might as well get so more sleep tho
         That afternoon

" I knew these bitchs were gay "

" DANI "

" What you know it too so did Cass "

" What are you three doing shouldn't you still be asleep "

" Mother is 3 in the afternoon "

" What do you mean its three in the afternoon "

" You guys basically sleep all day mother "

" Stop talkingggggg im trying to sleep "

I say as I cuddle more into the softest pillow I've ever sleep on.

" Are my breast that comfortable pet? "

" Mmh they are... oh my god "
I say as I quickly try to get off the bed, key word try I fucking fell of the bed.

" Dam-dang are you ok? "
Daniela asked as she rushed over to help me up.

" Yeah I'm okie thanks "

" No problem "

" D-did i really sleep on your boobs? " I ask while covering my face

" OH MY GOD YES YOU DID your face was just squashed in there I'm surprised you didn't die!!!
Dani says excitedly.

" Ummm anyways Mother Miranda called but you were sleep that's why we are in here its something to with "

" Ah yes ok I'll call her back thank you for letting me know your free to go now "

Once the girls leave Alicia gets up and sits in front of her vanity.

" I'm sorry my lady for being that close and personal to you " I say with my head down

" nonsense pet I pulled you in to the bed its not your fault, but for that inconvenience you can have the rest of the day off "

" Really my lady "

" Yes pet get as much sleep as you want I'll make sure no bothers you today "

" Thank you so much mistress have a good day " I say as I leave out the door and head towards my room.


Stay safe yall

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