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Holding in so much will do nothing but destroy you piece by piece.. If you let it. There are those who can deal with it, who SAY they're use to it but really aren't. The fact of the matter is, no one really likes to hurt.

Pain. Hurting emotionally, can effect you mentally and damage you. Pain is something that I dislike with a passion. Pain can cause people to kill themselves.

You know.. I once went through something. Something extremely painful and traumatizing that caused me to hurt myself physically. I felt out of it. I didn't feel like myself. And just as everyone thought, I was good. They thought I was fine and I was just being the normal crazy me. Little did they know.

My life took a heavy turn at the wrong time but for all the right reasons. Everyone knows everything happens for a reason and some things they question that will remain unanswered until the right time. With me being naive, ungrateful, disrespectful and full of riot.. I sat and thought about it. I felt pained. I felt physically drained. My mind wasn't right. Now here, I didn't know what to think. But I felt like all the bad things that happened to me, I deserved it. I was severely depressed.

Now people may read this and think, this girl has some serious issues and needs to go to therapy. And other people may read it and say they could relate.

I'm letting you know now, I felt lonely as fuck. Everyone feels lonely at some point in time but for real.. As life continues, through all of this pain, you'll find your reasoning for being here. Everyone is here for a reason. It hurts, I know. I may not understand what you're going through or why you feel a certain way but I still can understand what pain is. It can become overwhelming but I'm telling you.. Pain is only temporary. Sad to say, but in all honesty, before things get better, it gets worse. Just keep that in mind.

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