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"There can't be any us if there can't be any trust. Nothing to discuss. I'm not the kinda girl to let you play me out."


People wonder why I don't trust so easily. Some people will never understand, some don't want to try and understand and then there's those who respect where I'm coming from. They care enough and love me enough to want to be there and figure out all of my mysterious ways, as to why I am this way.

Some think I'm trippin and should just move on. lol. What makes you think I'm not moved on, though? Excuse me for having trust issues due to my past experiences.

No one deserves to be abused in any way, cheated on, lied to or hurt by someone that they love and would do anything for.

I dislike being taken advantage of with a passion. I dislike being lied to. I dislike being treated like I'm another bitch when for one, I'm not bitch. Secondly, I am a LADY who deserves respect. And thirdly, I deserve to be treated like my worth. I believe any female should respect that.

I'm worth so much more than sitting around, waiting for someone to stop playing games and being immature when it's the same shit continuously over and over again.

I'm not saying that's an excuse to put someone through what you went through or make them suffer because I'm trying to trust them in any way. At the end of the day, trust is gained. You don't just give it out to any and everybody. Patience, It takes patience to actually gain someones trust. How do expect them to trust you when you're constantly bringing up the one question, "when are you going to trust me?" >.>


Another thing..

Now for those who don't know how to keep their relationship business to themsleves.. Just sad. The hell you look like putting your business out all over social websites and shit? Like a damn fool!

Cut it out. It's annoying and you're giving outsiders information that doesn't need to be known or shown.

& Another thing;

Claiming you're "real"... Real people do real shit. Take care of real shit. Don't talk that talk but walk that walk. & Damn sure don't have to remind anyone that they're real over a dozen times. So shut that shit down, real quick -_- Ya ' kill me with that bullshit.

Just a few thoughts running through my mind this morning.. But GoodMorning to whoever is reading this.

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