Chapter 8

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Third man pov

The woman destroys the Expo Whiteboard Marker. The body parts of the Whiteboard Marker are tossed into the blazing fire. You can faintly hear Expo Whiteboard markers screams as he dies. The woman cheers and then it quickly becomes a scream as she hears her bookshelf fall. Woman hobbles into her office and rips her hair in distress of seeing the mess in her office.
She attempts to lift up the bookshelf and leans it against the wall. She notices the crushed monster can which is lying in agony, pleading for love.
The book shelf is the ultimate prankster and decides to pull a sick trick and flops onto woman.
Woman screams once again until her vocal chords snap and she dies.

The end.

Monster can x Expo Whiteboard MarkerWhere stories live. Discover now