Last Night

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Last night, I saw a delightful trance,
I had found so much grace,
in the dark, full of elegance..

The sky was full of stars
with a red shade,
Firefly was doing a parade
Harmony, serenity was there

Stardust was in my eyes
Pages and pages of poetry
And Novels and paintings
unlike anything
the world had ever seen

You and I were there
holding happiness somewhere
Drunken nights spent
dancing to jazz
I laughed as we danced
and whispered a random line of a
poetry against your lips

Dark rosy lipstick and
flapper dresses,
seductive smile and
secret gatherings
everybody always said
I was such a mystery
and amaze
but you were the
only one I ever let in
now all my poetry's
about you, my darling

~Ashma Juneja

~Ashma Juneja

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