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"Make sure you lock up the library when you two are done cleaning it! Good night!" Joohyun, one of the owners of the library [Y/n] and Ren worked at, said before leaving, throwing a key at the two before doing so.

Ren cought the keys before they fell to the floor and turned around to see the younger looking quite upset. The blue haired chuckled softly when he saw
[Y/n]'s annoyed expression.

He knew that there was nothing the younger hated more than cleaning, which was why his house was forever a mess.

"Don't be upset [Y/n], we're almost done cleaning and we'll be closing the library soon." Ren said in an attempt to cheer his best friend up.

"I know, but I don't get why we clean the library anyway. Everyday it ends up dirty regardless, so there's no use of cleaning it. Plus, it's a library, how bad of a mess can there be?"

The younger paused for a minute before continuing "And shouldn't we just close this place now? Who comes to a library an hour to midnight anyways?"

Just after [Y/n] said that, a man wearing a white mask, a long black coat and a beanie the same colour entered the building.

That man was Yeonjun.

This surprised both Ren and [Y/n], the duo turning their heads simultaneously to see who was at the door. They didn't expect someone to actually come to the library as it was late.

The blue haired male moved away from his best friend, pretending to arrange the books on one of the bookshelves. He didn't want it to look like he was doing nothing, leaving [Y/n] by himself.

The [H/c] coloured male continued to stack the books in order. He had only stopped because he was talking to Ren. While doing so, he looked at Yeonjun. The younger was struggling to find what he was searching for.

Yeonjun had now been in the library for an hour, looking for the book for what felt like an eternity. [Y/n] noticed this and decided to help the red haired as he was having trouble finding what he wanted.

The tall male went towards Yeonjun and stood behind him before speaking "Do you need any help, sir?" He asked in a soft tone.

The shorter jumped and borderline screamed, unaware of the taller's presence. He calmed down when he saw it was just [Y/n], his cheeks heating up as he was embarrassed.

"My apologies for scaring you, sir. I've come to ask if you need help finding what you're looking for. We'll be closing soon, and you seem to be struggling, so do you need any help?" The younger asked politely.

The idol turned around to answer the [h/c]' male's question but ended up staring. He was stunningly handsome, Yeonjun admiring his beauty before [Y/n] snapped him out of his trance by clapping.

The shorter shook his head before finally answering him.

"Oh s...sorry. I'm looking f...for the book o...obsess...obsession. Do you h...have it?" The older stuttered out, feeling intimidated by the [h/c]'s gaze. Cursing himself for doing so. He was usually very confident, where did his confidence go?

The taller chuckled, finding the older's stuttering quite cute. This made the older's cheeks turn a light shade of red.

Even his laughing was attractive.

His blush was luckily, was covered by the mask he had.

[Y/n] didn't respond to Yeonjun and instead started walking, gesturing for Yeonjun to follow him.

It took them five minutes to get to where the book was. [Y/n] suddenly stopped, bumping into the [s/c] man as he was walking behind him. Yeonjun quickly moved from behind [Y/n] and let out a small 'oh' as he saw a thick book that the taller was pointing to.

Yeonjun knew what book he was pointing at but asked the [h/c] male if he was looking at the right book. "This one?" He said in a voice only audible to [Y/n] as he was standing near him. [Y/n] nodded to answer his question.

The [s/c] male started walking once again, tapping the older who was analysing the cover of the book. Yeonjun took this as a sign to follow him and once again, was walking behind him.

They had reached their destination. When they did, [Y/n] asked the red haired male for his library card. Yeonjun quickly gave it to him with shaky hands.

He needed to leave soon.

The moment Yeonjun left the library, he started walking back to his shared dorm rather quickly. Noticing the library closing behind him as he was doing so.

The tall male regretted staying out for so long.

When he reached the front door of the dorm, he took off this mask, knowing that no one could see him.

He opened the door soundlessly, not wanting to make any noise as he thought the rest of the TxT members were asleep, which they were, except for one of them.

"Where have you been, Yeonjun hyung?" Yeonjun heard a voice say after he closed and locked the door. This scared him and made him drop the keys he was holding.

"I...I went out for some time. Why are you still awake, Tae?" The older said so quietly that only the younger could hear him, picking up and hanging the keys that fell.

"I couldn't sleep, so I waited for you to come back. But anyways, I'm going to bed and you should too. Also, you shouldn't stay out for so long. We're going to be busy tomorrow."

"I know, I promise I won't so it again." This made the younger smile lightly at him. "Good, now go to sleep." Taehyun said, hugging the taller before leaving.

When the younger left, Yeonjun took his white pyjamas from his and Kai's shared room before heading towards the bathroom so he could change. After doing so, he took a bottle of strawberry milk- a habit he did when he couldn't sleep- and went to his shared room to try to sleep.

The red haired closed his eyes and tried multiple to sleep but couldn't. There was someone on his mind.

The librarian he met at the library he borrowed a book from.

Finally, after numerous attempts at falling asleep, Yeonjun did so. The [h/c] librarian never leaving his mind, however.

Words: 1080

(A/n: I apologize if this story is awful, it's my first time writing)

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