1 || Hogwarts Express

15 4 6

September 1st 1989

So today I'm starting hogwarts, to say the least, I'm a complete mess, I didn't finish packing yesterday so dad woke me up extra early so I can finish and let me tell you, I'm not a morning person. So after a few tantrums and chasing my cat Hera for a while, we are finally about to apparate to Kings Cross station. I don't know how people can apparate and still be okay after, it takes me a few minutes to compose myself after the nausea I feel every time.

-Ok munchkin, we're here, now what you have to do is run straight to that wall- dad says calmly after just telling me the weirdest thing I've ever heard, but then again, he is Remus Lupin, Moony, a marauder, what else can you expect from him, he can be really serious sometimes but then some other times he is just as much of a kid as I am.

After running through the barrier as I was told, I'm met by the most beautiful train I have ever seen, and also a lot of people, parents saying goodbye to their kids, older students catching up after the summer, the usual start of year ritual I assume.

After a long goodbye and a big hug from dad, I say goodbye and get on the train to start looking for an empty compartment. I don't exactly have friends that are on this train. I have met Charlie Weasley before because he is dad's godson, but I've only met him twice and he is much older so I doubt he need an 11 year old with him, so I might need to be nice and make a friend or two today.

Luckily enough I hear my name being called by none other than Charlie. -Hey, Novalie Lupin right?- -Um yes, but call me Nova please- -Noted, erm I saw you walking alone so maybe you'd like to meet my two brothers, they are also starting their first year, so maybe you can sit with them- Dad obviously talked to him, he hates me being alone, he says that I should be more social but I don't exactly know how to do that.

-Sure, lead the way to those brothers of yours- I really appreciate him trying to help, even if it's because of dad, I could use some friends.

As he takes me through the compartments I see them filled with people having fun, then Charlie yells -Oi, Weasleys!- and I see four heads come out of three different compartments, one looks around Charlie's age, maybe a bit older, and then the other three look younger, but there are two almost identical heads coming out of one of the compartments, -No Perce, Bill, im talking to the twins- and as those two get inside with their friends, the other two come towards us.

-What is it?- -Yeah, we were in the middle of a game of exploding snap- in difference to their faces, their voices are completely different, one is strong and demanding, well, for an eleven year old, and the other one is more gentle and calm. -Meet Nova, this is Remus's daughter- apparently for what Charlie just said, they have already met dad as well.

-Oh hi, come sit with us, we need a fourth person for the game and you seem nice- -plus your dad is cool, he brings us chocolate when he comes to the burrow- they seem to be connected or something because they finish each other's sentences. - care to explain what the burrow is? Nice to meet you by the way- -oh, the burrow is our house, and nice to meet you too, I'm Fred and this is my twin George- as he introduces himself and his twin I notice something -Okay so George has a scar on the eyebrow and Fred has a scar on the chin, that's how I'm going to differentiate you for now- they look surprised to say the least, -Merlin, not a lot of people can tell us apart that easy- -yeah, we got the scars wrestling in the living room, i fell in the coffee table and he hit the chimney-

I meet lee Jordan, he's really nice and funny and then we talk for a little longer about what house we want to be in, or random things about ourselves and then I fell asleep. George woke me up because apparently we have to change into our robes, and he apologized a few times. And then when we get out of the train there is this big ass guy calling us and so we go there.

We get on these boats that move by themselves because of course, Magic, I am on the boat with thing one and thing two and also lee, and then there it is, Hogwarts. I'll give that one to you, it is really pretty and looks homey I guess

Worth the wait|| George Weasley Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora