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Ed sheeran pov

Once I got home I watch frozen because it's my favorite movie. I always dreamed of meeting Elsa, she's so beautiful and I bet she's great in bed.

After awhile I decided to text park boy

Park boy <3
Hey what's up
Nothing much wbu?
Park boy <3
I'm just at home
           Same I just thought I should text you 😅

Park boy <3
Cool wanna hang?

I froze. Of course I wanted to hang with him but is it too early? He asked me so it might not be. Does he like me? Are we hanging out as friends? Ugh

                                                       Yea sure where?
Park boy <3
I was thinking my house?
                                      Sure what's your address?
Park boy <3
* gives addresses*
                                               Okay see you soon
                                                    Read 2:31

I take a shower and put on a cute outfit but not over the top in case it's a "homie hangout"and not a "like each other and want to get to know each other better hangout" and then go in my car. Once I'm in my car I put the address into the gps and blast on my favorite song. Once i reach his block I turn it down so people won't suspect that im 🏳️‍🌈


I pull in his drive way and he was standing in his doorway in GRAY SWEATPANTS and a tee shirt.I walk up to him and stare.

"How are you"
"You good"

He tried to get my attention but I was staring. "What are you staring at?" He asked
I immediately stopped staring and started blushing. MY CRUSH JUST COUGHT ME STARING AT HIM!!!!!

I looked down obviously embarrassed that saw the huge bulge in his pants. I looked up realizing that he was looking at me. God I want to have sex with this man.I thought

"So anyways we should go inside"

"Yea..." I quietly said

I walked into the house and saw a girl sitting on the couch but it wasn't the girl from before...

Elsa x shrek x Ed Sheeran Where stories live. Discover now