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 January 12, 2009

 Dear Charlie,

 I’m sorry I haven’t got time to write you, college has been really interesting and rough. I’ve fallen in love with my theater class. I’m always happy when I enter the theater and get on the stage barefoot. The class is really interesting and I found out I take it with my friend Benjamin, I didn’t know he liked acting or performing. Life is full of surprises.I hanged out with mom today, it had been a long time since we had a mother and son moment. I missed it. Today was a day filled of experiences.

 Good ones and bad ones to be exact, Remember I told you I haven’t talked to Anabel for a while, well my friend Billy told me he saw her with Jonah, and it looked like they were “fixing things” and now I’m just scared. I tried calling her and text her but she didn’t respond. I don’t know what to do. Or thing, or say. I don’t even know if what happen between us was real. i thought it was, I still think it is. What should I do? Talk to her about it? About what Billy saw? Or just ignore it and live a “happy” life with her.I don’t know what to do to be honest. Should I let things flow and see where this all goes? I wish you were here Charlie, you always had the best advices. I talked to Sam the other night, we’ve been talking more. I like that because I always thought we had a good friendship. She somehow makes me forget about things, maybe it is her random questions that keep me thinking of how to properly answer them. I chat her about my problem with Laura, I think she hates Laura now. I can’t blame her, she told me to just stop looking for her, and make her look for me, she has to eventually right? What if she doesn’t? I’m beginning to think that everything Laura has told me is an utter bullshit. Who would hang out with people she say they don’t understand her, and always leaves me behind on every plan she has. Should I consider our friendship real? Should I just let go of it, and keep living my “freedom” like Sam would proudly say? I think I’ll take the advice of Sam. I’ll stop looking for her.



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