Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Waking up in an actual bed feels like a dream to Espen and Jamie. Usually they sleep in a laundry mat on a cardboard mat with nothing as a blanket except for a jacket Espen found one night still left over in a drier. No one ever bothered her or Jamie, so it was as if they never existed. That is once again the game though- pretending not to exist because this is the house of an angry man, as Alma puts it. Getting up from the cot, Espen stretches and looks out the window. Last night when they snuck in, the place didn't seem this big or beautiful. The grounds outside are freshly cut and sprinkles water them this morning. A knock on the door comes and Espen grabs Jamie and hides in the bathroom.

She hears foot steps as she covers Jamie's mouth and squeezes her eyes shut. Then another knock comes to the bathroom door.

"Espen, it's okay Child. Come out." Alma quietly calls and Espen breaths out heavily and opens the door, releasing Jamie from her grasp. "I brought you breakfast. Egg and bacon omelets, toast, and orange juice."

"Thank you so much..." Espen nearly cries and Alma leaves them be and not to have drawn attention to herself missing from the kitchen. "Look Jamie...dig in."

Jamie eats his entire plate and Espen eats half of hers, giving the rest to Jamie, because she doesn't know the next time they'll eat. She doesn't see staying here forever working out, so she takes full advantage over what she can. picking him up, she gives Jamie a bath in warm water so his coppery blond hair is now blonde and clean and his skin is clean also. Wrapping his eyes in a shirt of hers, she gets in the bath and start bathing. It's the one thing she misses about the hospital- bathing. After getting clean and hanged into her scrubs, she and Jamie lay on the cot and rest.

"Mommy cean." Jamie says as he shows her his hands and touches her hair.

"Yes, baby boy." Kissing his nose, she feels so tired and weak that she falls asleep.

"Ms. Espen, lunch is ready." Alma gently shakes the girl awake and Espen can't believe that this still isn't a dream. "Made ya'll some sandwiches and brought you both a bowl of fruit. Here's some more juice for ya."

"Alma, thank you so much. Please don't get in trouble for this. You don't need to lose yer job over us."

"Nonsense, you too need to eat and rest." She leaves them with the food and Espen can't hold back her smile. As they eat, Jamie gets more and more exited and bounces up and down.

"Shhh...Jamie you can't do that. We need to stay quiet sweetie." Having to use the restroom, Espen heads in and shuts the door. When she comes out, the bedroom door is open and Jamie is gone. "Shit...."

Walking out into the hallway, she tries to sneak around, but it's a mansion, with several locked doors and several opened ones. She feels as if she's in a horror film, just waiting to become the next victim. When she comes around one corner, she hears music play- a piano playing what sounds like Leibeslieder #9 by Bach. Hesistantly walking down two steps and then staying on the landing, Espen fines a man in jeans and a baseball t-shirt of black and white sitting playing the piano and Jamie standing beside him. Quietly walking down the steps, Espen feels her stomach churn and she makes it to the marble floor in the room of windows.

"Welcome Ms. Reynolds." The man doesn't turn around, but continues to play #9 now which doesn't sound as sweet as #9, but aggressive and tormented. Making her way slowly over to him, loose brown hair dropping over her shoulders, the man turns in his seat as he stops playing. Her heart stops in place as she feels her body shake. A gorgeous man with slightly curly, copper hair and deep gray eyes stare at her, extending a hand. "You must be Espen."

"Yes..." She nervously says and he struggles to present her with a soft smile, before turning to look down at Jamie.

"And you are Jamie, I presume."

"Yeah." They shy boy cowers behind Espen and she slowly backs up as the man stands.

"I'm John."

"John, it's nice to meet you, but we must be going before the master of the house finds out about us." She bites her bottom lip and turns picking up Jamie and rushing back up the stairs, leaving the man smirking before turning back to the piano.

"Jamie, you shouldn't have left the room. We're not even suppose to be here." Espen gently scolds him as she sets him on the cot and hands him a drink.


"It's okay sweetie. We just have to make this work as long as possible. I just hope our new friend John doesn't tell on us."

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