Chapter 31:

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Chapter 31:

He had to call Ivan to bring the boat back to him after Espen left. John understands why she was so upset, an maybe he didn't plan everything out to the fullest, but at the same time, at least he wanted their first time to be pure and meaningful. However dumb he was in those moments didn't matter, it was when he got home to find Espen had left, paycheck and boys, that he felt more than stupid in his nature.

What is worse, is that Alma even treated him like he was stupid. She glared at him and mumbled under her breath about how she's going to have to find someone else to tolerate him. So sitting in his office, head in his hands and heart aching, John tries to think of where she'd go. Better yet, thinks of why he can do to get her back.

"Dr... Hanson Montague is on line one, he'd like to speak with you." Ivan informs him.

"Tell him, I'm busy."

"Sir, it's about De Monde." Getting up, John goes to his desk and picks up the phone as Ivan leaves.

"Matthews here."

"Ahh, seems you captured quite a bit of attention at the party with that wife of yers."

"I guess so. About De Monde?"

"Well, I guess we can get right to business. I'm finally convinced that you can handle De Monde and Bevlard...Tuscan too." He sounds defeated and John can't help but wonder what's wrong.

"Sir, that's quite the generosity."

"Well, for a growing family like yers, I'd be a fool not to provide you with something to put yer boys through college and luxuries to yer wife." Crushing pins into his heart- that's what it feels like. Espen is gone before he could truly have her and he is without boys now. "I'll send the release papers over tomorrow...I'm getting out of this damn state as fast as I can. You are the new Louisiana State Doctor and Businessman. Your kingdom shall serve you well."

"Th...thank you sir." Montague hangs up the phone and John just stews in his misery. Getting in his car, John drives all day and night, trying to find Espen and the boys. His search proves a failure when he returns the next morning and Alma angrily hands him a cup of coffee. "Alma, I'm a fool, you know this. But do you have any clue as to where she's gone?"

"No. If I did, I'd have gone with her." Alma bluntly says and John sink in his seat. "Sometimes I think yer kingdom makes you forget who you were. We's all struggled through life- I know who I am and she who she is. You seem to let yer power go to yer head and take you away from what it is you's really fighting for."

Sitting there silent and thinking, John has forgotten the really reason he's done all this. Why he's taken in people like he used to be- he's lost his way and with Espen gone, maybe he'll find it.

Sitting on a bus, Jamie beside her and Charlie asleep in her arms, Espen figures she has just enough money from her paychecks to get someplace far away and find a decent job, even if it's waitressing or answering phones. She doesn't want to feel the pain of betrayal or use. For John to stand there and say he only wants to marry her to sleep with her, is insulting and against what she believes in. She loves John. She maybe would've married him if he hadn't tries this before with Nicole, and who knows how many other women. If she were to marry John, her heart would break further with the constant thought of what he's done prior to her.

"Mommy, where we going?"

"Some place wonderful."

"Is Daddy gonna be there?"

"Jamie, John wasn't yer dad...he, he isn't going to be around any more." Jamie sits forward and says nothing. She sees him trying to be strong, but a few tears pop up in his eyes and soon fall upon his cheeks. "Jamie...honey, look at me."

He looks up at her and it breaks her up inside.

"Honey, I know. I'm sorry it has to be this way." Leaning into her side, the boy cries and Espen tries to be as strong as he always has been, but somehow it's different this time. Somehow she knows she's never gonna be strong again, because she's never gonna find that one person who can make her love life as John had. "I'm sorry"

She quietly says to herself as she cries and kisses each child's head, before closing her eyes and sobbing in the back of the bus.

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